14 pt. 2

747 33 19


Avi's POV

I woke up and felt a lot better, having talked to Mitch. I'm not going to stress the whole Scott thing. I guess I should've either waited to ask or ask Mitch what happed. He knows everything Scott related so that would've been a good idea. Oh well, too late now. I can be just fine on my own, right? I mean, I guess our relationship was never official. Neither one of asked the other to be our boyfriend so, it wasn't a real relationship, I think. Maybe, it was a real relationship but, it wasn't anything special. At least not for him. It was definitely special for me, I mean my first and only relationship with a guy. The first and only guy I've ever liked like that. Jerk. Whatever. I'm going to go see what everybody else is doing. I grab my crutches and quickly find only the girls are there in the front lounge, everybody else must be in their bunks. I sit down on the couch and watch as a very tired looking Kevin trudges into the front lounge. Mitch is right behind him, heading for the refrigerator. He pulls out a little red takeout box and puts it in the microwave for a minute. Kev sits down next to me and takes a deep breath weezing.

"Bro, you don't look so good." I say worriedly.

"Neither do you." He replied, motioning to my ankle. I let out a slight chuckle.

"Yeah, when I cough, I feel stuff in my lungs shake. I hope I don't have bronchitis. I really hope not. It makes breathing hard and if I can't breathe, I can't beat box. If I can't beat box, I can't perform and if I can't perform, it would be just you guys. Four of us is quadratonix, not Pentatonix. Without one of us, there is no Pentatonix." Kevin said with a sigh.

"At least we only have three shows left, right?" I say, trying to lighten the mood. He nods his head but still looks worried. The microwave goes off and Mitch hands Kev his food. He ate a little bit before he put his food down and struggled to take a deep breath. He slightly kringed and slumped back in his seat.

"How am I going to perform if I can't even eat?" Kevin asked, exasperatedly.

"Let's just see how you feel tomorrow. Okay?" Answered Esther. He just nodded again. I checked my phone and it was about 5:30.

"How long until we get there?" I ask Esther.

"We will be there by six." She answered. Kevin got up and went to the back lounge, mumbling something about his cello. Mitch and Kirstie went with him, saying they wanted to go listen. I think I heard one of the bunks curtains open and close but, I kept my eyes trained on Esther, not knowing I would do if I saw him.

"Hey Avi, do you want to go shopping later? We can go get something to eat and stuff." Esther said.

"Yeah, you know what? I think that it would do me good to go and pamper myself a little bit." I said while flipping my hair dramatically. "And I haven't really got to spend a lot of brother/sister time with you lately."

"Okay, we can go shopping before we head to the hotel." She said with a smile. With that being said, I got up and went to go get dressed. Jeans and a T-shirt. You can never go wrong with that. I decided to leave my hair down because I didn't want to have to brush and gel it down. That's too much work for going out with my sister. When I came out of the bathroom, the bus came to a stop. Right on time. I walked in to the front lounge and Esther was playing on her phone.

"I'm ready to go when you are." I said.

"Mkay, let me tell the guys we're leaving." She said, grabbing her purse. She walked to the back and came back a minute later.

"Let's go!" She said, walking down the steps and opening the door.

Hey guys! I know it's been a while BUT, I have good news! The reason I haven't updated in a while is because I have written two different endings! OPTION 1) Finish the book and leave it or, OPTION 2) Finish this book but, set it up for a sequal! Trust me, the second option is SO much better than the first because nobody dies, yet. Haha! Just joking...or am I? ;) Comment, vote, message me! Let me know what you want, THE FATE OF THE MOST AMAZING PEOPLE ON EARTH IS YOUR HANDS! YOU DECIDE! <3 :) LOVE YA!

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