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Mitch's POV

"Beautiful boy..."

I woke up in a really good mood. His words filled my every unconscious thought and rang in my ears after I woke up. Surprisingly, I was the first one up. I checked the time and it was 8:30. Usually, Kevin is up by now. I walked to the front of the bus and started the coffee. I made my way to the back lounge where Scott and Avi were still passed out in each others arms. Too cute, I wish I had that. There was no sign of Esther or Kirstie being up. Kirst said last night that she had set her alarm for 9:00, promising to wake Esther and anyone who was still asleep. I decided to take a shower while the coffee brewed. It was short but relaxing, just what I needed to fully wake up. When I got out and dressed, Scott was up, pouring coffee into three mugs. At Christmas, Esther decided to get everyone a mug in their favorite color and got them personalized. Avi's had his name in bold and under it read, "DRAGONS ARE REAL TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE". On the other side it had a dragon on it and a design on the handle. Scott's had his name in bamboo letters and had Patrick Star on the side. Under it said "GOOFY GOOBER FOR LIFE!". Mine had my full name on it, written in cursive. It had Spongebob on it and the message read, "IF LOOKS COULD KILL, YOU'D ALREADY BE DEAD..." On the bottom of the cup, there was a little headstone that read "R.I.P." Above it was written, "2 hours later...", and below it, "bish dead. Guess I just SL*YED THE SCENE!". I love Esther. She knows all of us so well that sometimes, it gets scary.

Scott handed me my mug, mumbling a, "Morning.", and going back to the back lounge with his and Avi's mug in hand. I checked my phone. 8:59. I jumped when the numbers changed and Kirstie's phone started blaring Still Into You by Paramore. I giggled at the fact that she still loved Paramore. We went to a Paramore concert when we were dating in high school. Now look what happened. Kirstie turns her alarm off and pulls her curtain open, reaching across and pulling Esther's open.

"Wakey-wakey! It's morning!" Kirstie sang in a cheerful morning voice.

"No..." Esther grumbled before putting her glasses on upside down. Kirstie laughed and almost fell out of her bunk.

"Morning Kirst. Sleep good?" I asked.

"Yep! I had a dream that we were in Oz and the whole time, The Wizard of Ahhs was playing in the background and..."

"Okay! Okay I get it. You had a really great dream. You do not need to be this hyper before noon." I said, cutting her off by putting my hand over her mouth. She tried to say something but, my hand was still in her way so she licked it.

"Ew! That was gross Kirst!" I whisper yelled.

"Is everybody up yet?" She asked, giggling.

"Everybody but Kevin." I answered.

"Huh, that's weird. Oh well, I'm going to take a shower!" She said, grabbing some clothes and a towl, skipping to the bathroom.

"Did you make coffee?" Esther asked, still half asleep.

"Yas girl! I would not be awake right now if I hadn't." I replied, gesturing to my now empty mug.

"Queen." Was all she said, before pouring herself a cup of coffee and heading to the back lounge. I squated down to be at eye level with Kevin's bunk.

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