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Scott's POV

"Avi!" I scream as loud as possible. I don't think about anything I do next. All I know is the love of my life might have just died right in front me. I run out into the middle of the street and kneel beside the motionless body that is Avriel Benjamin Kaplan.

"Avi! Avi, wake up! No! You can't leave me!" I softly shout, carried by pure emotion.

I don't even hesitate with the next words out of my mouth.

"Avi, please, if you can hear me, please, you can't leave me! I love you. Please," I start crying.

I'm talking ugly, body racking, snotty sobs. I hear the sirens wailing in the distance, getting closer. I know that the driver of the car is okay because they are the one who called 911. I honestly couldn't care less about them, as long as Avi lives. If he dies, I won't be able to take it now that I know how he feels about me. What's worse, is that I know damn well it's my fault he ran into the road. I keep telling him I love him and that I won't be able to live if he dies. I'm begging him to stay. Please. I hold his head in my lap and ball. I gently brush the stay hairs out of his face. His man bun is messed up now but he is still gorgeous. He didn't gel his hair down today. I wonder why? It doesn't matter at the moment. The ambulance is finally here. I ask if I can ride with him. The EMT said yes, as long as I give my statement as a witness. Once the ambulance is on its way to Houston Methodist, they start CPR on him. I'm just sitting there holding his hand. I kiss it when they said that he was breathing again. He was still out cold but, he was alive. He just needed to stay that way. Once I calm down enough, I whip out my phone and dial Esther's number as fast as I could telling her to meet us at the hospital. I hung up before she could ask what happened. It isn't until now that I notice just how much he is bleeding. He has a huge gash on his left side and bruises all over his left. His ankle is turned at an unnatural angle and he has a scrape along the left side if his face. His beautiful face. This is all my fault. How could I be so stupid? There is blood and tears all over my plain white v-neck and black jeans. When we arrive they immediately take Avi to the restricted area, forcing me to stay, staring at the closed doors in front of my face. The last thing I remember is a young nurse coming and asking me if I was alright. I blacked out right then and there with Avis' broken but beautiful face on my mind.

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