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Avi's POV

I keep thinking about what Scott said. He said he loved me and needed me. That alone made me want to jump up dance but, I can't. I'm asleep and I don't want to be. I'm bored, lonley, and in a bit of pain but, nothing I can't handle. Earlier, I heard everyone but Scott's voice and now I don't hear anything. I keep trying to wake up and it's not working. This is getting frustrating. Like, I'm seriously about to go insane. Wait a second, is that Scott's voice. Yes, I'd know it anywhere. He thinks that this is all his fault but, it's not. I don't blame him for any of this. Wait. Is he? Yes! He's getting into my bed! He's on my right side. I guess he knows that my left side is hurting. I don't know what my injuries are but, he is definitely being careful with me. Oh, no. He's crying, if only he knew that I don't blame him for this. I know he's blaming himself for all this. Now he is quiet, I hope he's sleeping. I'm still bored and I don't know how much time has passed. I hear Esther and Scott talking but, I can't make out what they are saying. Everything is quiet again until I hear Scott's voice start to sing. I think I know that song. Yes, yes I do. It's Like I'm Gonna Lose You by Meghan Trainor ft. John Legend. I love this song. I love Scott. I love Scott's voice singing this song but, it's supposed to be a duet. Cliché. What can you expect though, it's Scott. I'm staying here and I'm waking up as soon as my body will let me because, we have a tour to finish and a song to cover. Now how do I get myself to wake up?

Scott's POV

I got bored while everyone was sleeping. I checked all my social medias twice and I'm still bored. What can I do to pass the time? I check my phone to see what time it is and it's only 4:28 a.m. Ugh. I didn't know what to do anymore so, I just started to sing. I sang the first song that popped into my head. Like I'm Gonna Lose You. Wow. That's totally appropriate in this situation. Way to go, Scott. The song isn't the same without someone to sing it with. I wish I could sing this with Avi. I sing Run to You. I sing Silent Night, knowing that it's one of his favorite Christmas songs, even though many people use it as a lullaby. I was halfway through Halo when I felt Avi stir. At first, I thought it was my sleep deprived imagination. Then, he moved again.

"Avi? Are you awake?"

I was answered with a sleepy, "Uh, I think so."

I have never been more happy in my entire life. I couldn't help it, I leaned down and kissed him. I had never felt anything like that before. It was amazing, the feeling of his lips on mine, it, it just felt right. I looked at the time and it was now 7:11. Of course, now I have 7/11 playing in my head. You see what he does to me?

"I'm going to get the doctor, okay?" I asked, already moving to get out of bed.

"No, stay with me?" He asked with a pout. Now I'm thinking about Sam Smith.

"Avi, the doctor has to know you're awake." I explained.

His face fell momentarily before he woke Esther up with, "Esther. Esther, woman wake up." She woke up confused at first but, smiled when she realized Avi was the one who woke her up.

"Avi? How long have you been up? Does the doctor know you're up?" She asked, only getting a shake of the head from Avi.

She got up and hugged Avi, laying a hand on my shoulder, before walking out to find the doctor. Avi looked at me and we kissed with gentle passion. It felt just as good as the first. I could get used to that, easily. About a minute later, Esther came back with the doctor and talked to Esther and I about how to take care if him, since we will be back on the tour track. Avi will be on crutches since his shoulder will only remain sore for a few days. By the time the doctor is done talking us through everything, the rest of the group's up and ready to have Avi back. The doctor leaves leaves to get the paperwork ready and we all end up in a group hug surrounding Avi. Everyone goes to the Starbuck's right around the corner with the promise of bringing Avi and I back something. Esther had the bag with the extra clothes laying in her chair. She had brought it after I called her to meet us at the hospital. Smart girl. I already changed out of my bloody t-shirt earlier. Now I just had to get Avi dressed. It wasn't that hard, honestly. I just had to go slow with his shirt because of his ribs and shoulders. It was easy getting his sweats on. I undid his bun and messed with his hair while we waited for the others.

He asked me, "Did you by any chance pass out and have a dream where you where talking to me, but couldn't see anything?" It was real! (This is a fan-fiction) I just nodded. We didn't even have to finish that conversation.

"Do I still get ribs?" He asked, his voice hopeful. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, Mr. Dragonribs, you still get BBQ." I said, going into another laughing fit.

"Mr. Dragonribs? Really?" He said. The look on his face was priceless.

"Yep." I replied, laughing even harder.

"Okay, Mr. Giraffeneck." He said in a sarcastic manner.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep." He responded.

"I love you Avi."

"I love you too."

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