12 pt.2

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Avi's POV

I woke up 10 minutes later. Thank goodness nobody found me. I just, I don't know. I love him so much. I don't understand why he has so much control over my feelings. I don't even think he realizes it. God, my ribs hurt! I really shouldn't have done that! I need to talk to someone but, who? I would talk to Scott about this but it's obvious why I can't. I can't talk to Esther, she'll go all overprotective sister on Scott. Mitch!
I pull out my phone and go to my contacts, looking for ♛♕♥QUEEN ♥♕♛. Yeah, I know. Queen will do want Queen will does. I clicked on his contact and hit message. I texted him saying that I really needed to talk to him about Scott. Five minutes later, a very sleepy Mitch walks into the back lounge.

"Hey, what's up?" He asks, sitting down next to me.

"Scott just yelled at me. All I did was ask about what happened between him and Alex and then he just exploded." I say, then proceed in telling Mitch everything that happened, word for word. He just looked at me with knowing eyes.

"Avi, Alex was Scott's way of trying to get over you. He thought he had succeeded. He thought he finally had a chance to be happy. Then you came out and showed your true feelings for him. You made him, still make him the happiest he's ever been. I just don't think he realizes that, yet. Give him some time. You know sometimes he doesn't see the big picture until he looks at all the little ones first. He loves you. What he really regrets, is not fighting to get you for four years, even if he knew he had no chance. I think he is still processing the fact that you're his boyfriend. I think until everything goes through that thick skull of his, he is going to remain scared that you are going to leave him. That's what all this is really about. He doesn't want to even think about losing you when the possibility is so real. He's just got himself a little freaked out right now. I promise you he will never stop loving you." He so wisely said. I showed him my brusies and told him what I had done.

"You know you shouldn't have done that right?" Ha asked. I nooded my head. "Good. Now I don't have to lecture about the damage that you could cause yourself." He said, while walking over to the shelf to grab my meds and my half drank water bottle.

"I know. That's why I needed to talk to you. I knew you would listen and help in any way that you could." I said before swallowing down the nasty pill.

"Stop it! You make me sound better than I really am." He said with a giggle.

"Where have you been all day?" I ask.

"Taking care of Kevin. Why?" He asks.

"Because, you've spent your day in bed with a sick man-child. Not everybody does that Mitch." I tell him.

"Well, I care about him, ya know?" He asks with a blush.

"Oh yeah, I know." I say with a smirk.

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