Chapter 15

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There now, steady love, so few come and don't go

Will you, won't you be the one I'll always know?

When I'm losing my control, the city spins around

You're the only one who knows, you slow it down

- Look After You by The Fray

Mia Lovenburg

When you love someone it means to truly commit to them. To be able to be with them in any moment at anytime. When they need you, you're right there where they should be. People have these perfect lives where they have everything they need. Love and Happiness. But then there are other people where it's different. Where they might have happiness but not love. Or they do have love but not the happiness. Life can be defined in so many ways, that each and every person has a different definition for it.

When I say that I want to have love, I mean it. I want it to be there throughout my entire life. I wouldn't want it to disappear out of my eyes. Because in reality, I wouldn't be anything without love. That's what everyone wishes for, to be loved.

And that just may be happening for me.

Liam's hand was tugging at my hand, while my eyes were full of blackness. The blindfold sticking to me while I groaned mentally. Liam's fingers entwined with mine while he dragged me forward to keep walking.

"This better be something good." I muttered. Liam's loud laugh filled the air, once he circled his hands around my waist. I sucked in my breath while I could feel the redness sprouting all over my cheeks. Liam's hands trailed up to the blindfold, opening up the knot while it fell down. My eyes were filled with blurriness while I rubbed my palms against my eyes. The clarity was becoming better and my heart was pounding.

There lay a table with a white cloth spread over it. Candles were lit and a dinner was set. My words were clogged in my throat. I was absolutely speechless. My lips were parted while I was shaking.

"I-I-I don't know what to say." I managed out with a stutter. Liam's smile was overgrown, while he circled his arm across my waist. I cuddled into his shoulder while he brushed pieces of hair out of my face with his fingers.

"You deserve the best."He whispered into my ear. The goosebumps rising upon my arms while a cold shiver went past me. It was a perfect scene. The backdrop was with a sunset while the ocean lay.

"This is absolutely beautiful."I whispered walking further. My fingers played with the hem of my dress while my eyes squinted to discover the different things all around. A smile was plastered and glued onto my face while I sat myself down in one of the chairs. Liam followed right after, sitting himself down as well.

"So what do you have planned Li."I smiled while a man walked by putting food right on the table. I noticed it was Harry, all he did was put on a fake mustache. Mhm.

"I-I thought the dinner would be good enough. And we can have a walk amongst the beach?" I could tell he was a bit skeptical. Thinking I was going to make a curt comment. But of course, he already did enough for me. I should be thankful, not that I was upset in the beginning.

"That would be perfect." I smiled while a cute blush sprouted onto his cheeks.

We talked. We ate. We had fun. And most of all, he was knocking on my heart and my heart inviting him in.

* * *

"Are you serious? Did you have a little bit of too much wine?"Liam asked with raised eyebrows. I giggled endlessly shaking my head side to side.

"Don't be a chicken Payne. It's only water." I smiled taking off my heels fiddling with the buckle. Liam's eyes were wide while he bent down running his fingertips against the water.

"Oh jesus, that's cold."He muttered loud enough for me to hear. I rolled my eyes while I fiddled with the zipper of my dress. Liam's stood back up, while he noticed me trying to take my dress off. "I really hope this isn't a strip show. Actually, I might enjoy it."He laughed while I playfully hit him in the shoulder.

"Relax, I'm still going to have my undergarments on. I don't know about you, but I'm going for a nice swim." I laughed while I stripped down my dress lying on the dock. Liam stared at me his lips parted. My white lace panties were secure enough while I lifted up my strapless bra a little higher. I winked at him while jumping right into the water.

The coldness rushed to my skin while goosebumps were all over my body. My soft curls were damp with water while my makeup was ruined all over. I popped right back up swimming myself around with small giggles.

"Mia Grace Lovenburg, this is why I love you." Liam smiled while he kicked off his converse. His plaid shirt was already on the dock laying next to my dress. His abs and his v-line were tracing and marking his skin. While I really tried hard not to look. His socks were on the floor while his jeans were next to my clothes. His briefs stuck to him, while he took a big jump into the water. I smiled while it created small waves and a big splash.

"See was it that hard?"I muttered wistfully while his head popped up out of the water. He shook his head swimming around me letting out his breath.

"You're too adventurous Mia."He smiled while we both swam around. Maybe we weren't allowed to, but that's what life is all about. Taking risks just for the hell of it. We were both laughing and enjoy out time while the sun was fully down and the moon replaced it. Now the tension was becoming heavier. The moonlight was spread out all over Liam while his pink lips were bulging out.

We swam closer to each other our eyes trailing down each other. My heart was in my stomach my mind getting all fuzzy. Was this happening? Or was I just dreaming?

I didn't pinch myself. I didn't tell myself to wake up. Because I knew that this was real life. That me, myself, Mia Lovenburg, is actually fully committing this. And I sincerely didn't want to stop.

Liam's hot breath was fanning over my lips while he brought me closer. Our noses were brushing each other until his soft pink lips moved.

"All I want is the taste that your lips allow." He whispered. Which made my heart to cartwheels and flips.

Because somehow.

He knew that was my all time favorite song.

And that's when I realized.

Liam James Payne stole my heart.

Well if it's considered short I'm sorry. Well I hope you guys liked it! I've been having really bad Louis feels lately that why I used the song Look After You by The Fray cause I heard Louis' version and I started to crawl away in tears because it was perfect.


Also, I've seen all your comments guys. So don't worry, if I didn't reply or something. I'm just a big fat ass lazy person who doesn't want to move their fingers to type. Like seriously. I'm that much of loser. So I thank you for all he voters and commenters.

And btw this chap was fucking adorable holy..... It made my Louis feels go away with Liam feels. So yeah, I put the feels on myself how great.


Oh and the song Liam whispered to her (asdfghjkl;) was Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. best song eva. Anywho, please follow me and vote and comments lovies.

This was long. wow. sorry if I bored you.

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