Chapter 11

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Like there's no sunrise

Like the taste of your smile

I miss the way we breathe

- I Never Told You by Colbie Caillat

Mia Lovenburg

My knuckles were in a tight position while I rolled my eyes. David was raising an eyebrow, while he was wiping his camera lenses. Spilling everything to him maybe wasn't the best idea. I let out a sigh, closing my eyes in nervousness.

"I think you should talk to him. Maybe he found another girl because he wants to make you jealous."David smirked while throwing the dirty towel on the counter of the studio. I rolled my eyes, stretching myself while I let out a yawn.

"No, he's probably trying to get Danielle jealous. Today, we are having a small barbecue at Liam's flat, and I'm pretty sure she's going to be there."I huffed with an eye roll. David laughed while sitting beside me.

"Hun, I could just feel it. You guys are going to be a "thing" one day, no joke about that babe."He smiled while he picked at his nails. I sighed groaning in annoyance. My head was aching, and I just wanted to lay down and forget the world for once. I looked up to David, with a glare.

"We don't like each other. We never will."I demanded while pulling my hair back with my fingers. I sat up straighter looking dead eye into David. He sighed following after me.

"That's what they all say..."He trailed off rolling his eyes bouncing of the sofa skipping for his camera. "Come on love, we have clients."David proclaimed while is dress shoes clicked onto the floor. I rolled my eyes bouncing off and pulling down my shorts a bit. To make me more comfortable. When all I was, was uncomfortable.

Niall Horan

The boys stared at Liam, waiting for him to reply with an answer. His hair was a mess and his eyes had purple bags drooping under. He had stubble running across his chin and jaw, while he gave out a yawn. I was completely shocked. My lips were parted and my fingers were trembling. Where was the Liam I knew? Apparently he was lost in his new girlfriend Layla. Gosh, I don't even know what he sees in her.

"Do you even understand Liam? You're changing into someone your not. You barely even know Layla!" Louis yelled, his face turning a dark red, his icy blue eyes turning cold. Liam looked up at him, and rolled his eyes. Zayn sighed while running his fingers through his hair. Harry had his jaw clenched waiting for some signal for Liam, to wake up and smell the coffee. I stood there, emotionless. I literally had nothing to say. What could I say? I think I kind of understand Liam. He's in love with Mia. You can just see the way his face brights up and his eyes are filled with this joy. He doesn't even realize that, she's the one. No one could ever hear Liam's desperate calls for some loneliness. He needs time to think about what's been going on, and go through the choices he needs to make. Does he want to waste his time with Layla? Or would he rather go with his true love, which is Mia? Sometimes I would feel bad. It's a lot of loads on him, and quite honestly the boys are being quite harsh on him. They just don't realize that Liam is starting to crack. With the news a month ago, of Charlie being his son, he really lost himself. Because him? A father? Liam certainly wasn't ready to take the big step when he hasn't even finished being young. But he realized that Charlie is worth a lot more. He can be young, and still have the best son in the world. no doubt about that.

"Guys, give him a break." I spoke up rubbing my arm. All eyes snapped towards me with shock. Liam gave me a warm smile, while I gave one back.

"Give him a break? Hasn't he had enough breaks? He's been missing interviews, signings, and meet and greets just for his stupid girlfriend. Do you really think we should give him a break?"Harry's booming voice evaporated throughout the whole flat. i cringed in terror, my heart pounding against my chest. Louis held Harry back, while Harry tried coming after me.

"Why can't you guys just understand his feelings? We shouldn't be so harsh on him!" Zayn's voice interrupted the tension that was building. I looked over to Zayn while I smiled. He nodded when we looked back at Louis and Harry. They seemed shock, and bth in anger, which meant more trouble.

"Why are you on his side? We need to get him back on track, and all you guys are ruining it!"Louis screamed into our faces. I flinched while rubbing my ears. That was when it got even more serious. The bickering got louder and the boys were startign to go at each other, while I tried my best to break them up.

"STOP IT, JUST STOP IT!"Liam yelled while he stood up. All of our eyes landed on him, as we all separated. Liam was on the verge of tears, while his eyes were soon becoming glassy. "This is all my fault! Everything is always my fault!!" He was screaming and flailing his arms knocking a few things down. "I always have to mess up! I'm just a plain failure!! I break people's hearts, and I turned Layla into a fucking rebound!! I'm even too fucking scared to even think or confess my feelings for Mia! what's wrong with me!!"His voice was cracking and his voice was starting to strain. He bent down towards the sofa and sta down putting his head into his hands. His arms laid on his knees. He was sobbing and whimpering, while we all looked at each other with worry. We all sat beside him, rubbing his back itno the process whiel the tension was now breaking apart. Into a nice calm atmosphere.

"Liam, you have to tell her." Louis replied, while we all gave each other looks in anticipation. Liam was shakin while he slowly looked up. His red puffy eyes making us feel even more guilty than we already were.

"I can't just tell her. She hasn't even forgiven me yet." Liam muttered under his breath while he brought his head back down to his hands. We looked around each other, while our hearts burned. Harry straightened himself out sitting up.

"....How long did you like her?"Harry asked with a raised eyebrow. Liam didn't even take one glance. Not even bothering considering his broken state was tearing us all apart. My fingers were shaking, not because I was scared, because I felt that maybe things were going to happen at tonight's barbecue.

"I-I realized it until now." Liam muffled while sniffling. Our now guilty faces were distinguished with smiles.

"This is going to be interesting."Zayn laughed while we all nodded together. Liam looked back up at us, his lips parted while his eyes were now die open.

This is going to be fun.


Well if you guys didn't read the little author's note that I made, it was about how I got to over 1,000 reads! Again, I love you guys so so so much! Well I hope you liked this chapter!! PLEASE COMMENT I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK OF THIS STORY!!! AND THIS CHAPTER AS WELL!!! i KNOW A WHOLE BUNCH OF YOU GUYS WHO HAVE BEEN READING AND NEEVR COMMENT!!! I WANT TO KNOW WHO'S READING THIS AND I WILL BE GIVING OUT DEDICATIONS TO EVERYONE AS WELL IF YOU COMMENT!!!!!!!!!

Ok well I hope you have a nice day and I love you!! Follow me and voteeeeee pweaassseeee!!!

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