Chapter 5

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Mia Lovenburg

Charlie's hand was gripped onto mine when he swiftly walked inside the flat. His hazel eyes were glowing when the boys were now surrounding him. Harry's eyes were transfixed on my small figure when I gave a warm smile. A smirk grew upon his red cherry lips while bringing me closer to him. He rubbed his hands around my back giving me comfort. Katherine awkwardly walked in landing herself on the couch resting her eyes.

"Hi Harry."I squeaked out with a small wave.

"Well hello Mia."He chuckled out slipping his hand through mine. I don't know why he was so intimate. It's like he's known me forever when we just met. When the only person besides Charlie that I've known for a quite awhile, was Liam. Liam Payne. I shuddered at the memories beginning to paint itself a picture in my mind focusing my eyes on Charlie. He was now sat on top of Niall's lap while Louis would make funny faces at the young one. Small giggles would come from Charlie. I flopped onto Harry's couch heaving out a sigh.

"Charlie's adorable!"Liam chirped up messing up Charlie's hair. Charlie looked up at him, his eyes melting into Liam's. I could tell Liam felt uncomfortable. Charlie giggled and climbed onto Liam. His hands quickly drove towards Liam's neck bringing his head towards his chest. All eyes were snapped towards me while I was in shock. I-I didn't know what to say. I don't know why Charlie was like this around Liam.

"Charlie, honey, don't do that."I spoke in a warning tone.

"But it's daddy mummy. Don't we love daddy?"His small voice erupted. My heart was pounding and I started to feel sick. Katherine shifted in her seat her eyes wide with anxiety.

"What are you talking about babe?"I wanted to drive off this topic but of course it had to be said. Charlie let go of Liam his hazel eyes searching for the truth in my plain brown ones.

"Well mummy, I go to da bed at night. I dream of you and dada."His vocabulary was starting to fail which meant he was sorry. I hesitated when everyone was quiet. My hands were clammy while they were shaking.

"Umm Charlie, let's go on an adventure!!"Liam exclaimed happily taking Charlie's small hand into his big one going into another room. Everything and everyone felt awkward. I leaned back while I was breathing heavy. Louis got up from where he sat. his body sitting next to mine on the sofa. Niall leaned closer while Zayn held a look of interest. Harry seemed like he couldn't grasp the idea. He was confused and I think mostly guilty filled with anger. Katherine was just in shock. Her mouth wide open wanting to hear the real story.

"Girl, you have a lot of explaining to do."Louis spoke up with a smirk while leaning back next to me.


"It started way back when we were just small toddlers. Growing up together getting to be best friends never leaving each others side. I remember his whining every time he had to get those injections from his health problems. I would soothe him by singing a song mostly. Seemed weird for a toddler but we were an odd bunch. His mother was my second mother. Nicola and Ruth were practically my sisters. Just at 10 years old, I had this tremendous crush on Liam. We always thought that being the best of friends was better than falling in love. We always complained about getting cooties. Especially Liam. Always saying "ewww you cooty girl. But don't worry, I still love you. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings." He was always the most sensible and sensitive. He was caring and understood me at my best. At 12 years old getting bullied was the only thing we both experienced. We both comforted each other holding each other whenever one cried. Pronouncing these stupid quotes that made us motivate to keep going and ignore the bullies. At 13 that was when Liam got rejected by that girl 22 times. He was lost and he sort of pushed me away. He always wanted to be left alone and to be left to weep. So that was when I stood up and told him to move on. That girl didn't know Liam, she didn't know what was right in front of her. Someone who is perfect and can be the best person you will ever know. Fourteen years old and we both knew we had a crush on each other. My blushes would give it away. He would reach for my hand once in a while. Kiss my cheek. Kiss my forehead. We seemed like a couple but we really weren't. He got sent off to The X Factor to try out, he only made it to the judge house but then got sent home from Simon. He was devastated but never gave up. Fifteen was the age where we knew we needed each other more than anything. I just got pushed around by this guy who was obsessed with me. Always giving me sexual assaults and threats of rape. That was when Liam came in. He beat the boy to the bone. He just beat him till he was nearly dead. I-I was frightened and I was scarred. I didn't want to be around Liam, scared of what would come next. That was the day, I walked home by myself. It was a slow drizzle but then turned into a rain war. I was soaking wet when I heard calls of my name. I knew that voice immediately, knowing it belonged to Liam. I turned around, and streams of tears were rolling down his cheeks. His eyes were red and puffy while he choked and sobbed. He reached for my arm when I flinched back. That was when he confessed. He confessed his undenying love for me, how much he wanted me. How much he loved. He told me all the beautiful things about me. He was just going on and on. I was getting annoyed of his rambling till I lifted up his chin bringing his lips to mine. It seems really cliche for two fifteen year olds for just puppy love. But it was so much more. We knew each other our whole lives. And it all led up to this. The moment where the sound of electricity can be heard. The erupt of butterflies dancing around in your stomach. Liam put me in a trance no one else would be able to. That was the day, we were now called a couple. A couple in love. Sixteen years of age, and it was time for Liam to go back on The X Factor. I was a bit upset but then things changed. We wanted one least intimate moment with each other. To give our all. So the bit to say, we made love to each other. He was my only, and he was staying as my only. So he left for The X Factor. We were at first skyping and calling and texting as much as we can. That was when I started to notice a change. He was much more distant. Every time we would talk about a topic I was always the person who had to talk. He would just be looking somewhere else. He even put ear phones in and started listening to music when I was telling him about my bad day at school. I thought he was trying to avoid me. But then that was out of the question when things started happening with my health. Heavy mood swings were coming out, I was always near the toilet, and I felt so weak. My mum thought it was just the flu. Therefore, it never stopped. That was when I got the idea. The idea that this just doesn't happen out of no where. This felt nothing like the flu because the flu is worse. So I went to a drugstore got three pregnancy tests. All fucking three were positive. I felt disgusted with myself. I mean, I know Liam used protection. I just didn't know it broke. Telling my mum was worse. She felt happy that it wasn't just a random boy's kid. I told her it had to be Liam's, because Liam was the only one that actually did it with me. Gave himself to me. We decided to get it really checked out and in fact I was pregnant 1 month with Charlie. I was beyond happy, but then the sickening thought of telling Liam was even worse. I knew he wouldn't like the idea, right when he was on the verge of becoming a star with the rest of you guys. He did tell me about you guys, when you all became One Direction. He was happy, excited, and I surely didn't want to ruin his dream. But I couldn't keep it from him? So I decided to give him a call. But the thing that broke me the most was his voice. He felt guilty, sincere, and mostly depressed. I don't know what happened. I have been watching you guys on the telly and I know you guys didn't get voted out. Then when he began talking, the words he spoke into the receiver, he broke up with me. I was frozen. I felt stupid, I felt betrayed, hurt, upset, and angry. Liam was my everything ever since small toddlers. It's like he just threw my whole life into a dumpster. The memories were now pieces of dust and now all I was, was a teen who was pregnant without a father. When you guys really got big and got in third, I found out. T-That Liam had a girlfriend, Danielle Peazer. Charlie was born and now you guys were famous. I found out why Liam broke up with me from Andy. Andy was my best friend of course. We stopped speaking to each other last year. He didn't know about Charlie, and I didn't want him to. But Liam broke up with me for another girl which is now his girlfriend. Things changed, I met a new friend, which was Katherine. I started out fresh and new. Until when I was at my job, I found you guys. Especially Liam, which I didn't want to see before my stupid past all came coming back."My voice was hoarse and everyone was near tears Katherine was wiping her eyes every few times. Niall, well Niall, was full on crying. His face was cherry red while he sobbed. Louis was teary but didn't let a tear fall down. Harry was silently crying while Zayn would occasionally rub his back.

"T-That was hard to hear."Louis stuttered while bringing me into a hug. I didn't want to cry, but I could feel the tears start to build up.

"Y-You guys c-can't tell Liam. He can not know about what I told you. Please."I begged while folding my hands in my lap. Everyone nodded while Katherine ran over to me clinging onto my arm crying helplessly.

"Too late."I heard someone croak from across the room. All of our eyes snapped towards Liam. Who had tear stained marks on his cheeks. His big hand was limp in Charlie's small hand. Charlie was swinging Batman back and forth muttering buzzing sounds. That was when the tears really came. I hated crying. Especially in front of people. Especially in front of Liam.


Okay so I'm like really really really really really sorry for not updating. I've been really busy and I've been having bad relationship problems. I also had writer's block.

So I just wanted to say I'm terribly sorry, I feel like a wimp against you guys. Also, please don't be a ghost reader. Please comment or vote. I don't like ghosts, so please don't be a ghost reader. I want to know that people out there enjoy this little story. I want to actually feel what it feels like to get acknowledged for hard work. The less comments and votes I get, the less I update because it's not motivating me to keep going.


Lastly, I changed my twitter username so now it's @justdreaminbro so don't forget to follow me on twitter!!

Please share this story and follow me!!! Do whatever you can to make em happy.

So what do you think is going to happen next? Put your prediction in the comments!!! Also, I was thinking, that maybe I should put lyrics at the beginning of each chapter to represent of it? Please give me suggestions or anything!!!

Okay that was long sorry! Okay muahhhhh love youuuu byeeee xoxo

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