Chapter 6

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Tell me what you want to hear

Something that will light those ears

Sick of all the insincere

So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

- Secrets by One Republic

Mia Lovenburg

I felt nauseated. My mind was going back and forth going into different swirls of illusions. Liam's hard glare made me feel light headed. Charlie's voice was soon becoming to fade. When my eyes were just about to flutter close making me lose my balance. I felt this splash of liquid spread throughout my face and clothes. Drenching me in the cold water. My eyes opened wide awake until I saw bright blue eyes staring into my dark ones.

"Oh god, she's awake. I'M A SAVIOR!!!"I heard a loud Irish accent bellow. My eyes were straining to stay open until I felt someone holding me tightly. I looked to the right noticing shaggy brown hair and noticed it was Louis who probably caught me halfway. I immediately separated myself from him my eyes trailing up to Charlie running into my arms.

"Are you okay mummy?"He bellowed while splashed of wet tears rolling down his red cheeks. I swiped my thumb against his cheek his hazel eyes having this glow of affection.He crashed himself into my arms while I rubbed his back too soothe him.

"I'm fine sweets, just got a bit...scared."I spoke while bringing his head to my chest rocking back and forth. I looked up while sweet smiles were being passed around till my breath got caught in my throat my eyes landing on Liam. His eyes were glassy and his eyes were red ad the brims. His fingers were lightly shaking when he looked down at the tile floor. I slowly put Charlie back on the ground until he ran around searching for his batman action figure he was looking for. I turned towards Harry giving him a thumbs up. A signal for him to watch Charlie for me. I walked up to Liam with all the confidence I can have.

"We need to talk."His soft spoke whispered towards me. I nodded not trusting my instincts on what would happen. I was in a daze until I felt soft skin connect with mine. I looked down to notice Liam slip his hand through mine guiding me to one of Harry's guest bedrooms He slammed the door shut pacing right in front of me. I quickly sat myself down on one of the beds feeling the duvet comfort me in my zone. I knew I was going to get a lecture, better yet their may be tears at the end of this.

"Why the fuck did you not tell me?! Don't feed me bullshit because I know certainly well I heard your life story out there."His harsh cuss words made me feel like crap. This wasn't the Liam I knew. He was for certain the little 10 year old who was soft cuddly and just wanted to have a normal chat. he hated cussing because all it did was cause trouble it was like the devil speaking. Seeing him cuss his brains out just made my shoulders slouch and my feelings become harsh and angry. With anger building up in me, I stood up becoming face to face with him.

"Well someone didn't leave me the time to talk and explain I had a flesh of blood of theirs laying in my stomach!!!"I screamed at him. "He was too busy breaking my heart in the mean time!!" Tears were starting to prick at the ends of my eyes, making me feel weak.

"You should of just told me Mia!!! You know what? Why am I wasting my time? It's probably not even my kid!"He yelled back. By now he had slow tears trickling down his face like a waterfall in the spring.

"You were my only Liam. My fucking only, and you think you have the chance to not call Charlie yours?"My voice got softer while it was starting to get raspy from the screaming I just did a few minutes ago.

"That cannot be my kid. I do not have blonde hair, I have pure brown!"He screamed in my face. I clasped my eyes shut, feeling myself become weak and defenseless against him.

"That's a funny thing. Your mum has blonde hair. So does Nicola and Ruth. So don't you dare not call Charlie yours, because I'm damn sure that you have nothing else to say."I spoke my words rushing out into sobs. Liam brought his two fingers up to the bridge of his nose, his eyes closing in disappointment.

"Danielle is going to kill me. My career is now on the line and management is going to chop me in half. Don't you see what you've done?! Why couldn't you just put Charlie up for adoption!"He yelled sitting roughly down on the duvet of Harry's. My heart was stuck in my throat while I just froze.

"Trust me I tried. I couldn't even think about being a mum. But I realized that I had to raise my own child. I couldn't give Charlie to a random stranger, that would be terrible. I loved him Liam, he couldn't just slip out of my fingers like that. If I had to be a mum, I had to be strong. I would do anything for him."I answered with a warm smile spreading to my lips. I could feel Liam turn his head towards me with a smile growing onto his features.

"You're the strongest person I know."He said rubbing my back soothingly. I scoffed mentally wanting to just push him off and thrash and scratch at his face.

"You'd be surprised. Strong was the only thing I had to be. I had no one."I scoffed with an eye roll. He knew absolutely nothing. He didn't know about how much trouble I had just by raising a kid on my own. I was labeled a slut just walking down the streets. Getting glares from people around each corner. Everyone was disgusted of a 17 year old girl walking down the street with her baby. It's not like she had the choice to have one or not. But I was blessed enough to keep Charlie in my safe hands. I saw Liam's guilty expression turned into a depressed one.

"Well now that I have a kid I didn't know about. I would gladly like to help you with anything. Whatever happens I'm here. I'm probably going to have to tell Danielle, but I hope she will understand. If anything happens, I'm just one call away."He replied standing up in the process. I stood up next to him awkwardly while I gave him a warm smile.

"Um thanks Li."I said. I was startled by the nickname I gave him mentally face palming. Gosh Mia, stop being an idiot. You hate him. He broke you into a million pieces. He tore your heart apart-

I was soon enveloped into a small warm hug in Liam's arms. I was confused and complected when I soon realized my hands were reaching for the back of his neck. The hairs on his neck started to stand up when he brought me closer. We soon broke apart when he gave me that same smile after our first kiss-Mia shut up. I quickly shook my head heading out the door to find Charlie sleeping peacefully on Katheirne's lap while she would brush his hair away from his face. Eyes snapped to us when I gave my shoulder a shrug sitting next to Zayn. He gave me an odd look tilting his head to the side. I bet he was trying to figure out my emotions. Liam smoothly laid back on the couch besides Niall closing his eyes of exhaustion.

"It's like you can cut the awkwardness in this room with a knife."Louis spoke up while our heads snapped to him. I gave an eye roll. showing my fake smile trying to pretend to be the happiest girl alive.

Even though it was the opposite.


If you people out there ignored my author's note before this shame on you! I just wanted to say that there is another story out there that is totally copying my idea. I feel hurt and betrayed because it was my idea and if I can come up with an idea so can you. But not my idea. It took me lots of my time to make this story happen. If that story isn't gone in a week I will be contacting the owner and I will report them towards Wattpad. If nothing happens it will be a shame that I would have to delete this story. I really wound't like to do that but this has gotten out of hand. You should know who you are. It's a Louis Tomlinson fanfic and it copied my entire idea and stole all my parts of this story. So please. All this ruckus will be gone if you would just come up with your own ideas and delete the story and create a new one OF YOUR OWN IDEA. I don't want to call out names because that isnt right. I don't want to be mean but again, if that story that copied my idea is not deleted things will happen and it will cause a fight. so there. Please delete it.

Well I hope you liked this chapter!! Please do not be a ghost reader, I don't like ghosts. Please comment or vote, it will make my day so much brighter!!! i love you guys all please do not forget that.

Please follow me on twitter at: @justdreaminbro


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