Chapter 14

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You wanna be more than just friends

I can't go through this again

Stop trying get inside my head

Don't wanna do more than hookup

It's getting stupid cause

I shoulda known but I forgot

That you think we're something that we're not

- Something That We're Not by Demi Lovato

Mia Lovenburg

Charlie cuddled into my arm while cartoons were painted against the television. I let out a tired yawn while I stretched out my muscles. Charlie giggled while his nails dug into my arm pulling me down to cuddle. A warm smile outstretched itself on my lips while I laid back down. My muscles were melting down until the loud ringing of the doorbell echoed throughout the house. I groaned loudly while Charlie was racing towards the door. Awaiting to see who's presence was there. I smiled, dragging my feet towards the door.

I whizzed opening the door noticing the one and only Liam. When he wanted to make me fall in love with him again, he really wanted to accept that challenge. I just really hope he doesn't get hurt by it.

"Hey gorgeous." He smiled kissing my cheek and rubbing my back with his palm. The eruption of little goosebumps arising upon my skin. Charlie made a disgusted face sticking out his tongue.

"Yucky, mummy and dada, yucky!" He gagged running back to the couch we were at a few minutes ago. I gave a small laugh looking up at Liam who gave me a wink. Oh god.

"Sorry to ask. But what are you doing here?"I questioned swaying back into the kitchen. I could just imagine the smirk growing upon his lips.

"When I said challenge accepted, I meant it."He laughed while flopping himself onto the couch next to Charlie. Charlie's eyes glued onto the telly. i laughed flopping next to me.

"Liam, I'm actually quite scared. Your ideas can be outrageous. i just hope you realize you're going to lose."I giggled while rolling my eyes playfully. Liam gave me a glare running his fingertips across my hip, making my stomach drop.

"Liam Payne always wins." He whispered into my ear, causing the hairs on my body to stand right back up. I laughed pushing him away while he let out a loud chuckle.

"Sorry, I thought you would be sucking your girlfriend's face off." I spoke looking at him straight through the eye. He gagged with an eye roll. Rubbing his hands together.

"Breaking up with her, was literally the best thing made on planet earth." He sighed happily with a smile. I laughed, once he scooted closer to me. A crimson red of cherry blossoms sprouted onto my cheeks while Charlie studied us carefully. His eyes never seemed to leave us, once he shrugged his shoulders. His hazel eyes turning back to the telly.

"You're hard to understand Payne."

"You understand me the most Lovenburg." His deep Wolverhampton accent spoke through. I laughed closing my eyes, turning my attention back onto him. He gave a heart warming smile. "I want to take you somewhere." He spoke towards me. My mind went into a thought process. Take me somewhere? To be quite honest, I wanted to go no where. Today was one of my lazy days. Never ruin a woman's lazy day, ever. But sometimes I take risks, and this was something i might have to risk.

"I hope you realize we have a 3 year old son together." I snorted while rolling my eyes. Twirling my hair around my index finger. Liam let out a huff running his fingers through his petite quiff. He looked down at me, once my eyes trailed right back up to him.

"He can come along." He breathed out. His mocha brown eyes trailing down towards the toddler. i nodded in agreement once my hands were circling around Charlie's waist.

"Hey buddy. We're going to be going somewhere with daddy." I spoke to him. His eyes brightened with joy, his lips parting while he struggled to reach over and grab his batman action figure. I smiled once he brought it to his chest.

"As long as batman can come!" Charlie exclaimed happily, while he stood up. His small white converse sneakers padding against the hardwood floor. i smiled looking right back up at Liam, his smile turning right back at me. One big family adventure.

* * *

Carnival. The thing Liam brought us to, was a carnival. Don't get me wrong, carnivals were super fun. Until I was 13.

Liam and I were of course on a super fun ride at the age of 13. The one that spins like crazy, round and round. Thinking that it would be fun, it was. We went on had fun, and soon got off. Our dizzy heads spinning back and forth. What i didn't realize was that a 9 year old kid was coming my way with a green face and rubbing his stomach. I ended up with a pretty shirt ruined with vomit. How fun. Never again was I going to go back to a carnival.

Now here I was, with my son, and a man that was head over heels in love with me. Liam thought it would be super funny. Just wouldn't it. Liam enveloped his hand into mine, while I gave a warm smile brushing it off.

"This is going to be awesome!" Charlie cheered loduly holding onto Liam's hand, wrapping his tiny fingers around Liam's index finger. I laughed while we continued walking around while people tried calling us over to play a game.

"Dada, can you win me that?" Charlie's small voice erupted while he pointed towards the big bugs bunny stuffed toy. I sighed, ready to laugh out loud once Liam can't win anything. Oh, i should totally videotape this. Liam gave Charlie a smile dragging us towards the stand. Was he really doing this?

"What you have to do, is you try to throw the rings at the bottles to get them in. Think you can do it?" The flirty 16 year old girl winked at Liam. He nodded with an uneasy smile while the girl bent down showing off her bum for the rings. Handing them to him with a fake smile. Oh gosh, i could just throw up.




RING RING RING WE HAVE A WINNER! This. Isn't. Possible. Liam pointed towards the large stuffed toy handing it to Charlie. Charlie giggled aimlessly while his batman action figure was still gripped into his hand. I laughed while Liam hooked his arm with mine.

"Yes Lovenburg, that did just happen." Liam smiled while skipping off. It's like he could read my mind in a flash.

* * *

Vomit. Vomit everywhere. My salmon colored top was now full with a 10 year old's vomit. Ugh, this was bound to happen. Liam tried holding in his laughter while Charlie was having a laugh attack on the floor.

"Ugh of course this was going to happen." I gagged flicking off some vomit. Okay, maybe i was going to throw up. Liam smiled his fingers entwining with mine. He put the money on the table towards the lady while she handed us an X-Large Nemo shirt. I sighed taking off my sweatshirt I loved dearly with my tanktop sticking to me.

"I think you looked beautiful with the vomit."

"Don't even Liam."


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