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Levana updated her status:

OMG! Just heard about a new release that's out in a few months! So excited!


Wolf: Never seen you so excited before Levy. What's it about?

Levana: It's about this girl called Jealyn Bones and she lives in a world where everything is colourful and girly and that's all I know and all I want to know.

Kai: -_-

Levana: Don't do that face.

Kai: -_-

Cinder: Really? You have to know more about it to be excited!

Levana: Shows how much you know.

Cinder: Shut up! I know much more about it that you

Levana: What did-

Me: I AM TAKING OVER! Anyway yes Dolls is an original story but it won't be up in a while. I need to finish wwriting it, edit and rewrite, gather beta- readers who can give me feedback and use my analysis to improve each chapter. Long process. I am a quater in the first draft but I think that by the end of November I will have finished it. After that December is editing. January and February are beta-months and March is final edits. It should be up around April or a little earlier next year. If you want to be a beta- reader I need a different variety of ages, genders etc. No swearing in the book, no sex, a few fight scenes but no graphic violence. Fantasy/ Dystopian. Here is the synopsis:

In the near future Europe was overtaken by the pretty toys little children used to play with. The Dolls...Fourteen year old Jealyn Bones is surrounded by perfect people. But she isn't one of those colourful girls. She's the messed up goth who lives in stress, fighting her own battles with no one in her own army to support her. After being suspended for a day out of school, Jealyn is thrown into a world she had lost hope existed long ago and needs to help a gang on a quest to stop all the hate before all gets worse than it already is. They need to fight for equality.

I will follow you all and mention you in my description and agnowledgements after service. I am going to be a jerk and say I want a reader that can be specific. Someone who will tell me what was good, what I can impriove and how. If you're the type of person who says "Good." then we're not going to get along. So any beta reader that isn't specific enough or isn't on time drops out. I will do a post on how many chapters you get a month when the time comes but if you think you're organised and can give conctructive critisism then feel free to join. I need about fifteen beta- readers.

I hope you enjoyed this very short chapter. It was more of me advertising my book. I'll see ya'll tomorrow with a new chapter. It's very exciting I promise!


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