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Pre-chapter A/N Yoooo guess who's back? Since, it's been one year since I started this book (16th September 2015) I thought I would write a chapter I've been meaning to write for a longggg time. I got a lot of enthusiasm on the chapter where the characters reacted to Melanie Martinez so I decided to do a part two. I hate rambling so let's just start.

Winter shared a video:


Cress, Iko and all the Lunartics reading this liked this.


Cress: Stars, YES! I loved the video!

Jacin: OK just scrolled through your whole timeline. 

Thorne: Stalker much.

Jacin: I prefer Curious the Curiouser.

Thorne: Curiousity Cilled the Cat.

Jacin: *Killed

Thorne: The one time I try to be imaginative and alliterate my online speech, I have to be corrected by a jerkface. Thanks a lot literature.

Jacin: *cough* melodramatic *cough*

Thorne: Just let me have my moment.

Kai: Alright, can you just shut up so I can watch the video?! All these notifications make the sound go off.


Kai: I prefer Curious the Curiouser.

Thorne: Thief!

Jacin: Actually, to both of you; It's 'Curiouser the Curious'.

Thorne: I hate languages.

Jacin: You're pathetic at languages.

Thorne: Me fail English? That's unpossible.

Jacin: -_-

Thorne: :)))))))

Tag You're It

Kai: 0:01 Just a lil' Pity Party throwback.

Cinder: You are obsessed.

Levana: 0:36 Can I have your knife? I still need to rise from the dead.

Cress: 0:47-0:49 (Tag You're It) I love how she can turn such an innocent, child-like phrase and game into something so dark and twisted. She's very original and creative.

Iko: Agreed.

Wolf: 1:22 Great, now I just got the image of girls passionately eating their lolly-pops and ice-creams. Ewww

Winter: 1:26 (I love it when I hear you breathing, I hope to God you're never leaving) I'm just wondering, is that Melanie's voice or did someone else do that part? Las confuzzled.

Scarlet: You make no sense.

Jacin: Neither do you.

Scarlet: I know you are but what am I?

Liam: A short weirdo.

Scarlet: I know you are but what am-

Liam: Joke's getting old Scarling.


Thorne: Dirty-minded git.

Jacin: What's a git?

Iko: Look it up in the dictionary and you'll find your face.

Milk and Cookies

Scarlet: 3:18 You know Levana, a cage made up of teddy bears would've actually been much better.

Levana: It's a prison. I'm not exactly going to let you have tea parties.

Scarlet: True, I guess.

Winter: 3:24 Pretty Prison!

Thorne: Oh what an amazing alliteration and juxtaposition! See I know literary devices and how to use them!

Jacin: Is he drunk?

Wolf: 3:29 (Melatonic's coming for you) Head in jar?! Me don't like this.

Jacin: I don't care!

Scarlet: I love it!

Cinder: 4:51 It's like that girl knew that Crybaby was going to be kidnapped!

Thorne: 5:59 Kids, would you look at that?! The cookies magically decorated themselves! It's a work of sorcery and magic!

Iko: 6:06 The wolf be like, "Is your face from McDonald's, because I'm loving it!" and then she'll just reply with "I'M A VEGETARIAN!"

Wolf: Yeah but they have vegetarian options in McDonald's!

Iko: Fine, she'll be a vegetarian who doesn't like McDonald's!

Wolf: But everyone likes McDonalds!

Scarlet: Wolf, cub, you're overcomplicating things. 

Post-chapter A/N. Ayyye look who's back. Back again.

HAPPY ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY TO THIS LIL BOOK FELLOW FANGIRLS! This book has literally helped me so much; I've had the opportunity to talk to so many of you guys, it helped me escape during my really crappy school year and it helped me establish writing habits. I probably wouldn't be writing this chapter if it wasn't for you guys because even though I am very motivated, I lose my patience after a while. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This chapter was short, I know, but I hope it brightened your day or made you laugh at the awkward "jokes" that I made up. Anyway, have a great weekend, I need to go and do my five pieces of homework :(


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