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Cinder: Evening, folks! Today we are here to give you some tips for how to survive prison- I mean school!

Antoana: What are you doing?! My summer holidays JUST started!

Cinder: Ahh, well everyone hates September but we thought we would make it easier for the poor souls going back in a few weeks with a collection of life hacks that I have collected from everyone. Spread the word with #LunarSchoolIsDaBest and we'll pick the most interesting requests to cover. 

Levana: Instead of, use to get information for school essays. (So original, it's definitely not in every single Youtube video...)

Wolf: Food helps you think so eat a lot of food. Preferably tomatoes. (OK, that does sound alright, everyone likes food.)

Winter: Use a marker to colour the edge of a post-it note stack so you'll always know which part has the sticky part.

Jacin: Remember the value of pi by counting the letters in each word of 'May I have a large container of coffee'

Cress: Hack into blocked school websites by pasting the URL of the website in Google Translate. (I don't think it works)

Wolf: Eat tomatoes!

Scarlet: Let's say you're studying for Spanish. To get prepared for your exams, you can switch your phone settings to Spanish, watch Spanish movies or ones with Spanish translation, songs Spanish lyrics (Danza Kuduro by Don Omar is my current favourite).

Thorne: Always carry a pouch of rice with you, incase you drop your phone in the toilet. (Shut up and give quality advice!)

Kai: If you're giving a presentation and you're nervous then just find a few spots on the wall to look at while giving the presentation. Don't focus on the people, focus on those few spots.

Iko: Find out what type of learner you are. Let's say you're studying space; if you're a visual learner then you absorb information through reading, colours and images. So, to get the most out of space, you would highlight key phrases and perhaps draw a few things to reflect how much you've learned. If you're an auditory leaner then you learn through listening. You can use your phone to record yourself reading out the most important information and repeatedly listen to it while you walk your dog, android or while you're on the bus. If you're a physical learner, then you learn through doing things. You could create small models of planets or whatever you're studying and work with the lighting and stuff.

Cinder: These are the life hacks. We are still collecting questions for our Q&A so if there is any school advice questions you would like us to answer, fire them. OK, that sounded lame...

A/N #LunarSchoolIsDaBest I ended school on Friday and it feels so good to not have to worry about homework and stuff. My writing competition ended on Friday so @Maddie_Morgenstern and Hannah3grace are the only ones that entered. I will finish reading them next week and the reviews and winner will be in one of my upcoming A/Ns. 

Also, one more week until 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child'! I am beyond excited. I am writing Harry Potter oneshots based off on Melanie Martinez's songs but I don't know if I should put them up. Would you guys read them? 

Questions for this chapter:

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Questions for this chapter:

-School related or random questions for Lunar Q&A (possibly my next chapter)

-Questions for me

-Are you going to read 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child'?

-What are you doing this summer?


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