Facebook Bios Part 3

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Born- Out of Linh Garan's hands.

Birthday- 13th September 118 T.E

Worked- New Beijing Market

Highschool/ College/ University- No

Places you've lived- New Beijing

Gender- Female

Family- Cinder

Relationship- Single

About Iko- I am fabulous and you know it. Sass Queen.

Other names- Nope

Events in life:

13th September 118 T.E- Born

18th September- Sitting here and doing this


Jacin: YOU called ME lazy!

Iko: I'm sick alright. I've got the flu.

Jacin: Why did you do your bio today then?

Iko: Antoana0502 forced me to do it.

Liam Kinney

Born- Luna

Birthday- 31st March 109 T.E

Worked- Lunar Palace

Highschool/ College/ University- Nope

Places you've lived- Lunar Palace

Gender- Male

Family- No

Relationship- Single

About Liam- IDEK WHAT TO PUT HERE! Liam's the name.

Other names- No

Events in life:

31st March 109 T.E- Born

121 T.E- Moved to Lunar Palace


Jacin: Liam's the name, Iko's the game.

Liam: You're dead

Jacin: -_- .... OMS RUN!

Thorne: None of you have had a proper education have you? I'm the only good boy who went to school *smirks*.

Cinder: A high school. You only went to high school Thorne.

Thorne: I went to Elementary School, Middle School and High School. HA!

Queen Levana

Born- Luna

Birthday- 7th February 100 T.E (A/N I DON'T KNOW HER BIRTHDAY!!!)

Worked- Excuse me I am the most important person in the galaxy, I don't work. I do all the queenly stuff.

Highschool/ College/ University- Private schooled

Places you've lived- Lunar Palace

Gender- Female

Family- Not including Channary or Cinder.

Relationship- Any man I want.

About Queen Levana- Most important and powerful person in the galaxy. Follow me or else.

Other names- No

Events in life:

7th February 100 T.E- Born

17th January 126 T.E- Just read Fairest!

4th December 126 T.E- Slaughtered Cinder


Cinder: 1) You should include that you've moved out of the palace and live in a coffin. 2) You did not slaughter me. I slaughtered you.

Levana: Shut it!

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