Reacting to an excerpt of Fairest

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DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT OWN FAIREST OR THE LUNAR CHRONICLES. @marissameyer22 does so yeah. If you don't know what the Lunar Chronicles is... you really need to get a life. Absolutely amazing!

Wolf updated his status:

I'm ready to react to an excerpt of Fairest, our creator's latest book! Everyone ready?


Cinder: Why can't we have the full book?

Me: Because it would be too long. Ready?

Everyone: Ready!


"She felt no great loss at the death of her parents, who had been gone now for half the long day, eight artificial night.

Cinder: That shows how heartless she is!

Scarlet and 167 others liked this.

Levana the Great: Hey! I was 15 Ok?!

Their deaths had been terribly boring-assassinated by a shell, who had used an invincibility against the Lunar gift to sneak into the palace. The man had shot two royal guards in their heads before making his way to her parents' bedroom on the third floor, killing three more guards, and slitting her mother's throat so deeply the knife had severed part of her spine.

Jacin: That is why I never wanted to be a guard! Someone give me a doctor contract!

Winter and Dr. Erland liked this.

He had then gone down the hallway to where her father was lying with one of his mistresses and stabbed him sixteen times in the chest.

Thorne: Why does it always have to be sixteen? Why can't it be 7? 7 is never a used figure in YA!

Cress: Actually Thorne the number seven is used pretty much through the whole Harry Potter series! Get your facts right!

The mistress was still screaming, blood spurts across her face, when two royal guards found them. The shell murderer was still stabbing.

Levana had not seen the bodies, but she had seen the bedroom the next morning, and her first thought had been that all that blood would make a very pretty rouge on her lips."

Cinder: Levana is delirious! Someone lock her in a mental hospital!

Iko, Kai and 12,456 others liked this.

Levana the Great: If you insult me once again, little girl, I will make sure someone assassinates you in your sleep!

A few other extracts from the book:

"She wanted him to think about her, even if only for a moment. She wanted him to admire her."

"But to be so cherished - what a dream that must be."

Iko: This is so much better than net dramas.

Cress liked this.

"There was an ache in her stomach, perhaps left over from the horrible dream. Or she supposed it could have been sadness, but that was doubtful."

Kai: Of course it is.

She tried to distract herself by planning who she would be that day.

Cinder: WHAT?! Tell me what happens next!? I command you!

Me: Sorry, Selder but you'll have to read the book!

Levana the Great: Read the book to learn all about fabulous me!

Cinder: This will be proof of how evil you are.

Levana the Great: Actually don't buy it!

Cinder: Hi... Barnes and Noble/ Waterstones! Can I order Fairest by Marissa Meyer?

Levana the Great: NOOO!

Cinder: Thank you! I'm glad I'll be able to start it tomorrow!

Me: LONG CHAPPIE! Hope you enjoyed this! Read Fairest! It's FANTASTIC! 5/5 STARS!

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