Reacting to 'Of the Moon'

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Cress updated her status:

I'm so ready to react to 'Beneath the Moon' by jenna clarek. She's so good!


Winter: Yaassssss!!!!!

'Beneath the Moon' Reaction

Running through space like comet in flight
A child of the moon who was hid by the night
I was just a princess
Hiding from my queen

Cress: I'm really liking the vocals

I don't remember a life lived before
Before I was changed and my head had a door
Now I'm just a robot
Hiding from the world

Tell me I am weak and I'll stand up tall
Tell me to leave and I'll stay through it all
I am the moon in its majesty
I am the sun and I harbor its heat
And soon you will run from me,
Princess Selene

Kai: Definitely sounds like Cinder.

Iko: Cinder can pull anything off

Wires upon wires, run through my skin
Silver and gold hides the mess from within
I am just a robot
Hiding from myself

Levana: For once you're saying something honest.

Cinder: That doesn't exactly help my self esteem.

Levana: I meant that as a compliment.

Cinder: ???

Levana: Your dumb.

Cinder: Talk to the hand cos that crown ain't listening, Levy. *You're

No body cares and no body believes
I'm still a girl and I still have dreams

Scarlet: Yas! #GirlLove. We all have dreams!

I am more than a robot
I'm done with hiding out

I'm more than this body
I'm more than this steel
I'm more that a girl that
Needs time to heal

And now I embrace
The forgotten face
And now I can see
Who I am

Child of the moon it's time to go home
Back to the place that's calling your soul
You should be the queen


Thorne: Why are you using my best shirt as a handkerchief?


Thorne: Girls are crazy.

Scarlet: Try being a girl for once and then you'll be on your knees.

A/N Didn't think this was one of my best chapters. Final chapter tomorrow and then 'Why I love fanfiction'. I want to know what you guys thought of the book. Did you like it? Was it alright? I am open to any criticism. <3 DFTBA,


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