Iko's Birthday Oneshot

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 "Alright losers, what have you got me next?" Iko playfully insulted the crew.

Cinder's maids had decorated the Grand Hall with birthday banners and balloons. In a nutshell, it was a rosier and girlier version of the decorations that were put up on Cinder's Coronation Ceremony. They were sat around a vintage table in the middle of the hall, exchanging stories of travels and having a great time. Cinder presented her a bag containing an orange dress with a flower pattern.

 "It'll make your hair stand out and you'll seem more striking," Cinder explained the choice of outfit.

 "How did you know that?" Iko squealed, pressing the dress to her metal chest.

 "Kai told me," Cinder's face was emotionless.

Kai grinned and Iko thanked them. Scarlet and Wolf had made the cake (Scarlet had stopped Wolf from adding tomatoes) and Winter and Jacin  had bought her the DVDs with all episodes of all soaps she liked. She turned to Liam. He flushed red and looked down.

 "Don't expect a rose for your birthday Kinney," she smiled.

 "Peck on the cheek with watching Pretty Little Lunars with you for the whole week?" he suggested.

 "It'll have to do," Iko sighed dramatically before Liam got to his feet and approached her. He embraced her and set a slobbery kiss on her cheek. It was like energy, Iko's wires sizzled with electricity and it felt like she had kissed an eel even though he hadn't kissed her on the mouth.

 "You should switch roles with Wolf."

 "Why?!" Wolf and Kinney simultaneously called out.

 "Because Kinney gives the slobbiest kisses and only dogs do that."

Cress giggled and Thorne put his arm around her. 

 "Your contribution, Mrs Carswell Thorne?" Cress gave her a teasing glare before replying.

 "I'll show you later."

Iko got the message to shut up and wait.

 "Emilie nourrir les poulets, pour l'amour de stars! Non Monsieur Gillet ne peut pas avoir les tomates, vous savez Wolf a une obsession avec eux. Il avait tout le monde de judo-retourner jusqu'à ce qu'il obtienne ses mains sur eux. Vérifiez s'il y a-"

 "Scar, I ain't having French class after a gazillion years of studying it. So please speak to Emilie in a language other than French!" Thorne laughed. It was obvious the Captain was drunk.

Scarlet scowled at him before satirically continuing her conversation in English. Needless to say, the Crew liked annoying each other.

 "Fuimos a París, Madrid, Roma y muchas capitales europeas más. Dubai era increíble, también, bastante antiguo, pero el Burj Khalifa todavía permanece. Tailandia también era increíble aunque yo creo que debería tener otra fuente de divisas y el cierre de algunas de las islas era una buena idea." Cress rambled in Spanish.

  "Aquí se va a hablar de la geografía de nuevo!" Winter commented with an annoyed expression.

 "English PLEASE!" Thorne stuck out his bottom lip.

 "Have you never learnt Spanish?" Cress looked astonished.  "I thought they taught it at school!"

 "Yeah, yeah whatever. The only phrase that I remembered was 'Todas las mujeres aman Thorne' and it's the only one that matters," Thorne boasted.

 "'All the ladies love Thorne' Sounds like the only thing you would learn in Spanish!" Jacin stated.

It was a joyous experience and Iko told herself to never forget it. It felt like she was back with family, which she was. She considered everyone as family. Funny how she and Cinder lived in secrecy years ago but now they lived in the Lunar Palace, a life of luxury and dresses and jewels and- Years ago they felt alone and only had each other and now they had friends she wouldn't trade for anyone else. 

The maids began clearing up as everyone started leaving for their chambers until it was just Iko and Cress. Cress heaved a huge bag out of a cupboard and handed it to her Iko. Cautiously, she peered inside to see volumes after volumes and some frames. 

 "What is this?" Iko asked quizzically.

 "Cinder would hate me for this but I brought you fanfiction and fanart from fans on Earth. I know Cinder has banned you and stuff but it won't hurt to have a pick me up when you're feeling down."

Iko smiled. "Scrap Pretty Little Lunars, I'm going to read the fanfiction tonight until 3 am."

A/N- How was that friends? Was it alright? It kinda lacked but I wanted to get it written. I am too lazy to do translations for those who don't know French and Spanish so I suggest googling them. I've had a lot of ideas for chats and reactions so I guess they're returning? I don't know XD

It won't be three times a week like before but perhaps every Friday to motivate you for the last day of school? I know I write the craziest chapters but I enjoy writing things unlike what others might write, like the characters reacting to certain things and trying out things and recording their journey on 'Facebook'. I feel like it makes my work more original. What do you guys think of my reaction chapters? Do you enjoy them or would you rather skip them?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next chapter will hopefully be the characters reacting to Disney (requested by LucayaLuv) depending on what I feel like writing. Have a great night, stay motivated if you're still at school and let's power through Thursday and Friday. DFTBA,


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