Award Ceremony

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Iko: Welcome Lunartics! This is a very special chapter and it's Antoana0502's way of giving you a Christmas present if you're Christian/ a Hannukah present if you're Jewish/ a late Diwali card if you're a Hindu or a Sikh/a New Year present if you're a Buddhist or a Muslim. She respects all of the different religious festivals and is hoping you're having a fantastic time off school, wherever you are and whoever you are!

Iko: Unfortuately, Antoana0502 is not able to join us today due to the fact that she's helping prepare the Christmas Eve dinner so I am here to present awards to her readers.

Iko: Everyone here is selected because they have been voting, commenting, discussing and spreading the fandom love here in this book. The following people are:

cyborg_girl_for_life, danny1princess, Cait_11, batmanispie, SilverEmpressTLC, Lunar_Squid, Purplepanda22et, Crescent-Moon_Rogers, ohsnapitzcloe,ScribbleTwoShoes, wolflady57, PandaGirl557, MackenzieKelley783, Sakura456456, audrey_elizabeth17, AverageNarwhale, _Paradise_Books_, JJJolly, fanfictx, megan0793, pottergirl07, StarsruletheUniverse

Iko: Whether you have been here from 16th September 2015, when this book started, or have just joined the train, Antoana0502 would like to thank you for all the kind words and funny comments. She reads all them and tries her hardest to reply to everyone. You have all lifted her mood with your opinions, jokes and votes and she's very lucky to have such loyal readers *dramatically wipes tears*

Iko: You have gotten her to 2.9K reads,over 400 votes and an estimate of 250 comments! Isn't that amazing?!

Iko: Have a great time with your families and another one of her badly spelled and grammared chapters will be up on Sunday. As the fool who wrote this book says, Don't Forget To Be Awesome! Have a great holiday everyone!

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