Winter review [SPOILERS!!!]

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I literally feel like I've just swallowed a bee because my jaw is hanging open and my hand gestures are a hundred times more exaggerated. Of course,  this review is spoilery so if you haven't read Winter go and read it and come back. GO BEFORE I SPOIL YOU!

First off we start with Winter hallucinating. You can imagine my eagerness as I held the book in my hands as I got out of the library and legit sat on a bench in the grocery store and read while my Mum shopped. Levana makes her attend the court. Point: If Levana thinks the court is so important and she despises Winter then why does she have her attend?

Moving on, we get a glimpse of Jacin. Good old traitorous Jacin. Winter has a huge schoolgirl crush on him and will literally do anything to get his attention. Personally I liked their relationship because it started off as friends and their friendship is really the main aspect of their relationship. Although they were both quite new and fresh characters they were developed beautifully.

Then we get a glimpse of the Rampion crew. Kai is bored out of his mind and has decided to return back to earth. What especially made me crack up was Cinder keeping a tally of the amount of times he had kissed her. That is one of the most important reasons why I LOVE the Lunar Chronicles. It's adding a bit of sass and humor into a story that really connects with me and makes me crave it harder. Cos let's be real evryone geeks out.

Skip forward to when Levana gives Jacin the task to kill Winter. On my chapter about my theories, someone commented that they thought she might ask him to kill Winter. I just want to congratulate that person because they were correct. And Cress is actually hiding in Jacin's chambers. So she creates this cylinder chip thing and helps Jacin get Winter and Scarlet away from the palace. I really liked it that Cress remained with Jacin because it really showed that she can be strong and brave, despite her self confidence. I keep thinking that some fans dislike Cress because she's not a warrior and because she's this socially awkward, petite girl who is nothing compared to Cinder and Scarlet. I'm not including Winter into this because she's new to the reader so we don't really know if she's the fighting type. But I feel like the brain and knowledge are the much more powerful and cunning than a strong, muscular fist or two. It's like Annabeth from Percy Jackson: everyone in the seven has a power except Annabeth and see how she dealt with Arachne in the Mark of Athena. 

Meanwhile, the crew land on Luna and they are greeted by Maha Kesley, Wolf's mom. I could definitely see lots of potential in her character and I loved her relationship with Wolf. Then Wolf starts to smell Scarlet, and then BAM! she's there with Winter. Scarlet's apologising about her scent and appearance and Wolf just engulfs her into an embrace. How cute! Is it just me who thinks the only cool guys are the fictional guys? I'm sorry but I've never met a guy who is cool, smart, well dressed, etc. 

Cinder's video plays and the rebellion starts! Hoorayyy! Aimery comes and kills people and my hatred for him increases with every page. Please tell me I'm not the only one who was so angry when Maha died! Please! 

While all this crazy stuff is happening, Kai gets engaged to Levana. Again. And of course at the ceremony, Cinder burst in and put Levana back into her place. Finally we come to one of my most favourite things about the book: characters being put out of their comfort zones. I loved how Cinder had to wait until the end of the book to get her cyborg brain back. I loved how Iko got her body shredded to pieces. I loved how Kai actually married Levana without being interrupted by Cinder like her hoped he would.

By now you probably think, " Aces, she's evil!" but really that's what made the characters so relateable, right from the start of the series. The struggles and the pain really connected with me because let's be real, not everyone is loved by everyone or fits in with the crowd. I know from personal experiences that being left out and being the misfit sucks. Believe me I've had three years of experience.

Let's move on to the romance. If you have stuck with me right from the beginning, from September, then you know that I'm a die- hard Cresswell shipper. Like I seriously love them. And getting that scene when Cress feels really jealous when that Lunar manipulates Thorne made my conncetion with her so much stronger. Love is like letumosis, you can't get rid of it without the antidote and that's rarely the case. More though, she has feelings. That comparison that she made between herself and the other girls is still in my head and I will note it down before I return the book back to the library because it will have a huge impact on a chapter I will be working on. And then that scene, you know the scene, where they practically get married. I had literally just finished and English assessment and thought I should read a bit and that scene came up. I was melting from sappiness and unfortunately the guy who sat next to me noticed and stared at me weirdly. Confessions of a Lunartic fangirl and all fangirls in general.

Again, skipping along we've got one of the final parts when Levana tells Cinder about how Channary deformed her face. It was agonizing to see Thorne getting manipulated and when he stabbed Cress, I was like.... PLEASE BE OKAY! Levana does some of her dirty tricks and get killed. Ha! We then see Cinder in a bed, waking up and chatting to Kai. She gets in a meeting with everyone from the Earthern Union and what I particularly liked was that her first decisions as queen were logical. Stars above, I hate it when a character's decisions are not logical. 

Finally we wrap the series with a pretty ribbon for a pretty ending. Cinder and Kai promise to see each other and get this: KAI WANTS CINDER INTO HIS FUTURE!!!!! This is definitely the wedding in Stars Above. I bet Scarlet and Wolf will have cubs by then. Random thought I wanted to add. And we meet  Liam Kinney who I will also introduce into my Finding Cress fanfic. Overall I loved this as a finale and I'm bursting to get Stars Above. Suited perfectly that it comes out the day before my birthday in England. It comes out on the fourth of February and my birthday is on the fifth. We all know what I want for my birthday....

Let me know what was your favourite scene/book/ character out of the series in the comments. I love all the characters. My least favourite book to favourite book would probably be: Scarlet, Cinder, Winter and Cress. Winter- I didn't have enough time to get invested in too much because of school but I still love every single one of the books. Finally, let's thank the phenomenal Marissa Meyer marissameyer22 because without her books, I would never have this fanfic up or any of my future ones. I can especially sympathise with you because you wrote fanfiction and it was a big part of your writing history. As you can see, fanfiction also has a huge role into my life and has had a massive impact on my writing style.*Immediately writes Cinder and Kai's wedding oneshot* So thank you for creating something so unique. Your work has inspired me so much to keep working hard on my own stories and I'm sure it has hugely inspired other fans. I'm very much looking forward to Heartless. 

That's it guys! I'll have lots more exciting chapters up now that I've read Winter! I hope you enjoyed this thorough review! DFTBA,


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