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Dedicated to @yolopolorixonator and @megan0793. Thanks for being great friends and reading my dumb fanfiction during a library lesson. Lots of lols with you guys!

Winter updated her status:

Is this picture vibrant enough? I have space for more photo of flowers and I'm not sure if this is the right one.

Cress and Iko liked this.


Cress: YEP! This one is perfect.

Wolf: Wait... you two do journaling? Isn't that for, like, preteens and kids?

Winter: No tweens can also do it.

Levana: As if! That's your excuse for doing childish activities. Why do you even do it?

Winter: To relax when I'm stressed out because I'm fixing the mistakes and poverty you inflicted upon the Eartherns. It's a way of escape and expressing yourself.

Levana: Can I do one on how much I hate Cinder?

PresidentSnowOfPanem5Ever: Can I do one on how much I hate Katniss?

Cinder: Lev, absolutely not! Peeface, go back to your fandom!

Levana: I'm going to do one anyway. Wolf mutant, you shall join me in making fun at those nerds later.

Wolf: I don't work for you any-

Levana: *glares*

Wolf: Yes ma'am, anything you want ma'am, I'll hold the sun for you ma'am.

Levana's journal

Monday 16th May- I really really hate Cinder! She's the definition of an ugly disaster, with her pathetic metal hand and foot, greasy clothes, messy hair and that stupid android she considers as a best friend. Oh, why did Kai fall for such a rag? Why couldn't he fall in love with me? I am obviously so much more glamourous than her, with my long gorgeous hair, my gowns made of silk and my perfect face. I had just bought all the Kylie Jenner lip kits before I moved out of the palace and into the grave. WAIT! Is Cinder using those lip kits?! OMG I MUST GO AND GET MY BABIES!

Tuesday 17th May- I screamed my head off today. I wanted the Lunars passing by to rescue me from this poverty so I can go get my Kylie Jenner lipkits, kick Cinder's butt of a face and kidnap Kai after marrying him. No one heard me :'(

Wednesday 18th May- I spotted a spider today

Thursday 19th May- Eh

Friday 20th May- I give up -_-

Wolf's Journal

 Monday 16th May- I ate tomatoes.

Tuesday 17th May- I ran away from the farm with Scralet's hoodie so I can become the Tomato God.

Wednesday 18th May- TOMATOES!

Thursday 19th May- Tomato? Tomato.

Friday 20th May- What did the pasta say to the tomato? "Don't get all saucy with me!"

Saturday 21st May- Why am I even tomatoying?

Cress updated her status:

Well? How did the week of journaling go?


Levana: Terrible

Wolf: *bleep*

Winter: You're not even going to make fun of us? 

Levana: Too tired! I need my beauty sleep so I can think of a strategy to get my lip kits back.

Wolf: *bleep*

Iko: SCARLEEEEETTTTTTTT! Your butt of a boyfriend can't stop swearing!!!!!

Wolf: *bleep*

A/N- ATTENTION TO ALL DEMIGOD LUNARS! Recently, I have been planning a Percy Jackson fanfiction but it centers around a different cast of characters and has a different storyline. The only things it has in common with Percy Jackson is that it includes Camp Half-Blood, Greek Mythology and there is a mention of the characters from the original series. My questions are:

Would you find a different cast interesting?

Is this legal and do people write that sort of thing that you know of?

I really need to know and since this is my most popular book, I decided to ask you guys. I want to write this but I need to know if it's legal and if people do it just so everything is safe and well. Thank you so much for reading this! And hey- we're nearly at 10K reads! How insane is that? I love each and every one of you.



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