Dream Cast

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Everyone wants their favourite books turned into movies [if they aren't already]. So us Lunartics, we also want a movie. Who shall play the characters, you ask? This is my Dream Cast for the Lunar Chronicles film, hopefully happening sometime in the future. I have picked these actors by skills and physical characteristics and see if they correspond with the crew. Some, I may not know if they act well but I'm trusting you guys to tell me. If we want a good movie adaptation then we need good actors and a good script.

Shay Mitchell as Linh Cinder

Apparently Marissa Meyer imagined Cinder as Shay Mitchell which might be very satisfying and convenient to the author and the fans because we know she's a good actress, if you're a pretty little liars fan. Shay also looks the part, with a slight Asian look but still breath- taking beautiful. I've always imagined Cinder as Shay Mitchell with a bit of an animated edge.

Harry Shum Jr as Emperor Kai Rikan

I am not too sure about this choice but it's the only celebrity that I can find that looks similar to Kai. To be honest he looks a little old for the part but I think I can see myself imagining him as Kai. He is also casted as Magnus Bane in the Shadowhunters TV show so look out for his skills.

China Anne McClain as Iko

See, Iko is a difficult choice. You want to find someone sassy, snarky and fun to be around. I think China Anne McClain would be a fantastic choice. I grew up with A.N.T Farm and I found that she can be funny, sassy and snarky whenever she wants and needs to be. Also imagine her with blue hair! Awesome!

Angelina Jolie as Queen Levana Blackburn

Last year I went to watch Malificent and I fell in love with the movie. More in depth, Angelina Jolie's acting. She can be a heroine and an antagonist and because she played Malificent, I think she would make us proud. Also, I think she's around the age that Levana would be.

Nina Dobrev as Scarlet Benoit

Nina is so sweet and Scarlet can be sweet too. I mean, obviously, Scarlet's a warrior before anything but she can have a soft side. Also, I've always imagined Scarlet with quite sharp facial features and Nina Dobrev, in my opinion has them.

Liam Hemsworth as Ze'ev 'Wolf' Kesley

Good acting? Check! Looks the part? Check! What's not to love?

Sam Claflin as Carswell Thorne

Us Lunartics love Thorne. Like we seriously all have huge crushes on him. So we want the right sassy, snarky, flirtatious yet caring actor am I right? Sam Claflin proved himself in Catching Fire and Mockingjay. He looks the part, he molds into his character so well and he's a fantastic portrayal of Finnik Odair. Want a sugar cube?

Elle Fanning as Crescent Moon

Cress was so hard to pick for! I had Evanna Lynch, Chloe Grace Moretz and Elle Fanning in mind but I couldn't pick who. Evanna will always be one of my favourite actresses but I can't quite imagine her as Cress. Chloe, I can but I only just found out who she was and I'm not too confident. So it leaves Elle Fanning. Cress is described as cute, petite, blonde, dramatic etc and I think Elle has all those qualities.

Dominic Sherwood as Jacin Clay

Now, hold up I know you might disagree with me but that's just how I imagine Jacin. Dominique was in Taylor Swift's 'Style' music video and I have to say that he looks the part. He will play Jace in the Shadowhunters TV show and has played a character in Vampire Academy, a book to movie adaptation by Richelle Mead. Coming back to Shadowhunters, Jace is quite moody and overprotective, like Jacin. I think you get my connection. Let me know if you think he's suitable for Jacin.

Zendaya Coleman as Princess Winter Hayle Blackburn

Zendaya is always known for her unique clothing on the red carpet and I think Winter is quite uniquely weird too. Obviously Winter is known for her beauty and Zendaya is just like the fairest celebrity of Hollywood. She looks the part and her acting skills are brilliant too. She played Rocky [Raquel] Blue in Shake It Up, which I watched non stop, a character from Frenemies [watched and loved that too], is the main protagonist in K.C.Undercover and has been featured in Taylor Swift's 'Bad Blood'. Obviously, she's had a lot of experience at such a young age, which also corresponds with Winter's age. so Zendaya is our Princess Winter.

Who is on your dream cast? I hope you enjoyed this. This was definitely not a brief chapter :) And is very late which I apologise for. I had work to do and it slipped out of my mind. DFTBA,


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