"I don't get it, what do you see in a guy like that. He's not so special." Shikamaru interrupts, sounding as bored as ever.

Finally, someone who speaks my language.

"You are so beyond clueless, Shikamaru." She says back, all signs of anger now seemingly disappearing. "Don't you get it?" she now questions the completely bored Nara.

He turns to face her with his swift reply. "No I don't get it, cause I'm not a girl."

And from what I can see his eye brows are slightly narrowed. Hmmm interesting I think to myself.

Ino puts on a slight smile, or smirk, well it's one of the two, before sighing and continuing with. "You are so full of yourself, Jealousy's a terrible thing, I'd hate to be on your squad" sounding quite full of herself at the moment.

"Now squad ten," Iruka says, making me look at him.

I hadn't even heard him say squad nine, I must've been to involved in listening to the other bicker.

"Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara." He continues.

I look over to the two just as Ino gasps and Shikamaru laughs. I find myself chuckling slightly as well.

"Did you say something about hating to be on my squad." He says to her smartly, only making the blonde haired growl.

"And Choji Akimichi." Sensei finishes. Making look around to find the kid.

Oh come on Zentish, he shouldn't be that hard to find, He's huge! I exclaim in my head as I struggle to find him. Guilt about thinking that makes me shake that thought from my head. I suppose he can't help it, His entire family is huge.

I finally find him sitting at the front of the class, happily munching on a bag of chips.

Oh, of course he is.

"Those are all the squads." Iruka says with a smile.

"Iruka-sensei, why does a great ninja, like me, have to be in the same group with a slug, like Sasuke?" Naruto questions his sensei, for one finial time, I hope.

Iruka-sensei's face quickly turns from a happy one to one of annoyance.

"Sasuke had the best score of all the graduating students, Naruto, you had the worst scores." Basically everyone in the class laughs as Naruto is pinned out as dead last in the grade. But what did they expect, this Naruto after all. "To create a balanced group, we put the best student with the worst." Iruka finishes.

Coming to the realization that he's not getting out of Sasuke's squad, he quickly begins to growling.

"Just make sure you don't get in my way, loser" Sasuke says, just making Naruto growl louder.

"Hey, What did you say!?" Naruto asks infuriated.

"Hard of hearing?" Sasuke asks. Not caring what Naruto's answer could be.

Everyone begins laughing at Naruto, who pays no attention to them.

"Knock it off, Naruto sit down." Sakura adds. Now realizing that all my teammates have been apart of this convosation, I may as well join in.

"No sakura, Don't stop him. I wanna see how far he'll get. Maybe he'll end up kissing him again." Chuckling to myself

Each one of my teammates look towards me, including Sasuke, each with daggers in as their eyes and anime veins on their foreheads.

"What did you just say?!" they all question, dangerously. Sakura looking like she's the one who's gonna kill me.

A hysterical laugh soon come from beside me.

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