They sighed in relief "it will only take time to master her ability" Knuckle said "oh ! So it will be easy since she already have ice powers !" Yamamoto smiled, their eyes widen at Alane, she smiled gently and stood "if you excuse me, I would like to speak with you, Kyokai-chan" she said, Kyokai looked at her "a-ah" Kyokai nodded and let go of Kyoya, which made him and Ryohei flung away.

Alaude grabbed Alane's hand when she walked passed him "will you be alright ?" He asked "I'll be fine, can you please check Alanzo for me ?" She smiled and left the room with Kyokai. Tsuna thought he was imagining, but he thinks that he saw a change in Alane's eyes "will she be alright for real ? I am worried" Elena said "I am not sure, she is still suffering" Giotto said, Alaude clenched on the armrest.

"If I may ask ? How much do you all know about your Snow Guardian ?" Giotto asked, they glanced at each other. They glanced at Kyoya, who sat up rubbing his head "hn ?" Kyoya noticed they were staring at him. Once Kyoya sat down, they watched and listened to Alaude asking him questions about Kyokai. To their surprise, Kyoya answered every single question.

"No, Kai was being bullied since the age of seven" Ryohei corrected "you idiot, you guys met with you were nine" Kyoya pinched the bridge of her nose "then when did we meet ?" Ryohei said "when you guys were twelve" Kyoya glared "oh right" Ryohei held his chin "can you give me some details of how she was at a young age ?" Alaude said.

Kyoya glanced at Ryohei "are you able to answer that ?" He said "I can to the Extreme !" Ryohei said "let's see" he thought for a while "Kyokai was a girl !" He said "we know that !" Gokudera said, they sweat dropped "no, I meant she used to be more girly before" Ryohei said "but she was also alone" he added "she's used to be alone, that's why she kept pushing me away" he said "but also remember that he memory was erased about her with Kotoya" Kyoya reminded him.

"I never met Kotoya that time" Ryohei said "no, I was the one who met him" Kyoya said "it sounds like Kyokai-nee used to like to be alone with her twin" Tsuna said "but who erased her memory that time ?" Yamamoto said "old herbivore" Kyoya glared "you people seem to know a lot, can you tell me about her family ?" Alaude said.

They frowned when they saw a change in their looks, a disappointed stare "w-we don't know" Chrome said "what do you mean by that ?" Elena said "it means we don't know that kind of past" Mukuro said "Hibari ?" Ryohei said "doesn't Kai talk about them with you ?" He asked, Kyoya looked away crossing his arms "I won't say anything" he said.

They stared at him in shock "what was that !? We need some information !" Gokudera said "wait, Gokudera-kun" Tsuna said "he might not know anything about it" he said "it's not that he don't know anything, he just needs his lady's permission to tell" they looked at Alaude shocked, and he was right because Kyoya glared at him "I am sure it will help her if you give a small piece of information about her past" Alaude said.

Kyoya looked away "fine" he said "she only has two brothers, that she haven't even know about until she reached 15. She was poor at birth, she used to live here in Italy until she ran away at the age of five" he said, then held his chin to think "I am not sure, but I think she told me she was adopted two times. Her last parents passed away when she turned twelve. She thinks that she spent all her life by her own, but I think that half of her memories are lost" he said "that's all I know"

They glanced at Alaude, who was deep in thoughts "what about her family ?" Giotto said "I mean her real parents" he said, Kyoya glared "I know nothing" he said "nothing !? What do you mean you know nothing !?" G said "G, I am sure he doesn't know about them" Elena said "but there is something strange with that past" Asari said "it sounds exactly like Alane's" Alaude said "she lost her memory about her siblings, and spent most of her time alone"

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