Chapter Nineteen- The sticky situation life

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"See," I said reassuring her. "You're fine!"

"Wanna come down stairs and join me?" Asked Joel. "I'm just about to start watching beautiful creatures."

"Sure!" I beamed.

I hadn't watched that movie yet and if it was as good as the book, then I was in for it.

"Not gonna invite your sister?" Christie pouts, crossing her arms across her chest, defensively.

"The invitation was directed at both of you, silly." He chuckles.

We all run down the stairs and plop on he couch.

I'll be honest, Christie's family were rich and I loved their lounge. It was dotted with soft, comfy pillows of all shapes and sizes.

"Oh and thanks, Joel. For beating up Kat." I thank the boy sitting next to me who passes me the bowl of buttered popcorn.

Christie shoots me a glare and Joel smiles, "My pleasure."


"So what do we do now?" I question Kat.

He has a puzzled look on his face as he scans the shopping centre.

It looks like his searching for inspiration or an idea.

Okay, let me explain.

Mum and Margery went off to get their hair done at the local hairdresser together, which literally takes hours.

They would always fuss over the length, style and suitable color of their hair and have an adult gossip session in there whilst scanning threw magazines and telling their life story to Lorraine and Jennifer, two middle aged women hairdressers I knew ever since I was young. Simply it was pure torture to go in there with them.

Mum had insisted that either Mitch or I, stay home to look after Christopher.

"Please mum, I'm terrible with babies," I had pleaded.

"But he's your brother."

"I know mum. I love him, he's really cute and everything but.."

"But what?"

Quickly, quickly, Eva think of an excuse or you'll be babysitting a bundle of joy who can never communicate to you whether he's peed himself or is hungry or just needs to burp out air for the rest of the afternoon.

Instead he tests out his vocal cords at 3.00 am, waking me up from sleep.

"Mitchelle," I accused Mitch pointing at him, "Is nearly eighteen years old and has barely even taken any responsibility. It's always me."

Mitch didn't even reply. He was in another world on his mobile.

Mum stormed up to him and grabbed the mobile off his hands.

I didn't know what mum had seen but she wasn't happy at all. "I think Eva's right," she said, "You're nearly eighteen and you need to take some responsibility instead of partying everyday."

I pumped my fists in the air, happy that I had finally won one battle. "Hurry up and get dressed Eva," Nagged mum.

And this left me roaming around in a shopping centre with one of my greatest friends, Kat, trying to work out what to do for the next freaking hours.

"Earth to Eva." Kat waves his hand in my face.

"Uh, um," I mumble awakening from Planet Eva.

"You know it's sort of awkward you standing there daydreaming in the middle of a shopping centre not even hearing me say your name billions of times and not even hearing the three text messages you just got."

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