Till Death ₪ Prologue

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Lately I've been looking at my wedding ring. It gives me chills thinking to myself that Chris and I been together for four and a half years! Marriage wise, we've been together for two and a half years. I've given this man all I have to give. Chris has my mind, body, and soul. Whatever is left over is saved for years to come. Without a doubt I have wanted to pull out my hair, even had times when I wanted to walk away from it all.

My feelings at times were dragged through the damn mud, time after time I'd let Chris know that the bullshit he pulls out there in the street effects me in a big way. The bullshit has then stopped, Chris has wised up and knows for sure what we got going on isn't a game. You want to be with me you better damn sure be with me and only me, I'm not taking the stories I hear anymore. We getting too old for this bullshit, act like a damn man and leave those little boy ways alone. This is the same shit I been telling Chris for years, finally his ass been behaving and listening.

Anytime we're out together and I see him play around with the kids I steady have a big smile on my face. Nobody loves those kids more than Chris. Especially Ava, that's his numbe one baby right there. Whenever I see them playing around together it makes me happy knowing he'll never leave them, for anything no matter what it is they have his life. He'll never abandon them, and if his ass knows any better I know he'll never abandon me.

Truthfully speaking if you want to get technical with it, I can survive on my own with our four kids. I'll always want him to be by my side though, this ring isn't a damn accessory. Nothing makes me happier than waking up to his ass snoring in my ear, him finding new ways whether it be nasty or sweet ways to cheer me up when I'm sad, the vein that pops out his head when were in an argument, and the same vein that pops out when he's about to bust during sex.

To think, none of this would've happen if we didn't take that dive with each other. Crossing the line between friends, not knowing what to expect. It's funny how we fought so hard to not catching feelings for one another, fighting that shit is what ended me up with Mijo. If it wasn't for Mijo being born who knows if Chris and I would've even put the effort in to staying together, he's not the reason why I stayed. But with that shit going on with Rihanna, I doubt if I had not found out I was pregnant we wouldn't have worked through that situation. Chris was ready to walk out the door for what seemed like for good, till I droped the bomb telling him I was carrying his child. That nigga turned around so quick, you would've thought the wind blew him back. Chris has been riding with me ever since then, I'll continue to ride for him through whatever as well.

"Don't run so far, stay where I can see you." I told the kids.

Chris and I took them out and had a little picnic, we don't want our kids attached to electronics so we try and keep them outside and out the house as much as possible.

"Mijo, make sure you watch out for Josiah and Ava."

My youngest babies are almost two, they asses need to be watched like a hawk cause when they together they get into the most trouble. Ava is different from the boys, she wants to be apart of them but she's her own person. She's too girly to be around them, sometimes I'll see her with Josiah the most out of all of them and even Mijo. Mostly though she keeps to herself or she's always under Chris.

"Tell me why we brought them here again? I could've had you butt ass naked laying on this grass right now."

I laughed as we laid on top of the blanket. "Even if they weren't here, who said I would want some dirt going up the crack of my ass?"

"I would've had that ass taken care of, you wouldn't even have to worry about that!" Chris smiled licking his lips.

I pushed him causing him to lay flat on his back, he pulled me down along with him. He pulled me into that same passionate kiss that lead us to where we are today.

Till Death : ( Chris Brown Story )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin