Chapter 33- only if i get to be the princess...

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I woke up expecting to see Alan beside me but he wasn't. I got up and walked round the bed and picked up his zipped then walked out the room. His mum and dad were still sleeping which only left one place for him to be. I walked to Anthony's nursery to see Alan asleep in the rocking chain with Anthony curled up on his chest. I walked over to them and stroked Anthony's head and kissed Alans cheek. He woke up slightly as I gently whispered in his ear "my two special boys" at which moment Alans head turn to face me " my special family" he whispered back with a cheeky grin on his face. I blushed at looked down at Anthony, Alans hand cupped my face and pulled me in for a kiss. He rested him forehead on mine and whispered "I love you" I whispered back "I love you to". Alans mum quietly knocked on the door " you kids want breakfast?" we both nodded as baby Anthony wriggled on Alans chest " I think he's wanting some to" Alan giggled. I scoped Anthony off Alans chest and held him in my arms "you get something to eat ill get him sorted" as I kissed him. As he left I walked over to the window that over looked jades and Austin's kitchen. Jade was making Austin food as he stood behind her holding her hips. I couldn't help but think how grown up we were now and how they both would make excellent parents. Baby Anthony grabbed my thumb and started sucking it. "Are you hungry" I giggled as I picked up his bottle. 

Once he was fed I changed Anthony's nappy. He was already feeling tired so I placed him in his cot. "You're a born natural" I turned to see Alan's mum standing at the door. " thank you I was so nervous I couldn't do on my own without screwing up " Alans mum closed the door and sat in the rocking chair " why isn't your mother here?" she asked the one question I wished she hadn't. I paused for a second "me and my mom haven't really got on since I was 14" I looked down at Anthony who was spooning the toy kitty Alan had got him. "Why love?" I turned to face her without making eye contact "when I was 14 my mum cheated on my dad and moved across Scotland cutting me off from the rest of my family and I have never forgave her for because she had her new man and I was just extra luggage" I looked up at Alans mum who was holding back tears. "And jade?" I didn't hesitate to answer "she saved me. I had crumbled into pieces but somehow she managed to glue me back together and ever since she has been my sister when her and Austin got married I made sure her nice izzi was over and she called her mother. I was proud of her but at the same time scared that I had lost my only family but I had Alan and now I have him and Anthony". Alans mum got out the chair and wrapped her arms round me as she was crying "think of me as your second mother I will always be here for you and don't forget were just on the other end of the phone when were not here okay?" she pulled back clutching my face in her hands. I nodded as she let go and dried her eyes "of all the girls Alan has been with I am pleased you're the one he's stuck with" I smiled back at her as Alan opened the door. "How are my two favorite girls?" he said looking at his mother's puffy eyes. "Alan she's a keeper" his mum mumbled as she walked passed him and patted his back. Alan walked over to me and wrapped his arms round my hips "what was my mum asking?" he asked as he kissed my fore head". "Nothing just girl stuff" I replied as I rested my head on his shoulder and looked over at jade and Austin. Jade caught me out of the corner of her eye started giving us the wanker sign only jade

That night I and Alan were left alone in the house as his mum and dad wanted to give us a night on our own. I tried to tell Alan they didn't have to after the other day we spent Austin and jade. Once they left Alan turned to me "Chinese, movie and cuddles seems about right" I laughed "just like old times" as I walked to the phone book. Alan ran up behind me "I've got that sorted don't you worry" as he hurried me away from it. "Why don't you go for a bath?" I turned and scowled at him "saying I stink?" he laughed as he looked at the top I was wearing. It was Alans and still had stains on it for the other week. "Good point" I replied as hurried off to the bath room.

I walked out the bath room with the towel wrapped around me. I saw Alan leaning against the hall wall. "Your perfection" he whispered. I looked to the floor as my cheeks grew redder. He walked over and held my hips in his hands. "This isn't what I planned to do when at this age but I would change it for anything" I looked up at him and his beaming smile, "nether would I "I whispered as I kissed his cheek. Alan looked in my eyes for a bit. Last time he looked at me was when I first saw him when were where at Glasgow. "I better go put clothes on" I whispered to him. "There's a gift on the bed for you" he mumbled. I turned and faced his "Alan I don't need anything". I walked into the bed room to see a tiger onesie. "I can't wear it" I said to him. Alan looked at me confused "That's you and Austin's thing". He started to laugh. "He got jade one to" I smiled at him and went to the drawers and picked out pants and one of him tops. "I just need to go and check on something" he piped up before leaving the room. Once I was I had clothes on I picked up the onesie on and walked into the living room. Alan had lite candles and had placed pillows and a cover on the sofa. I was shocked. I turned to see Alan wearing his onesie "so you like it then?" he asked. I blushed "it's perfect". I walked over to him and hugged him. He took my hand and led me to the sofa. I cuddled up next to him and rested my head on his chest. Before ether of us could say a word there was a chap at the door. "That will be food" before Alan had a chance to get up I was already at the door. "I'll get it" I shouted back at him as I opened the door. "SURPRISE!" shouted jade and Austin. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I asked them shocked as they walked in holding our dinner. "We decided to join" Austin said. "Well we don't look like homos wearing matching onesies" jade pointed out. "There is no getting rid of you is there?" I sarcastically to jade. Alans face looked nervous "Austin can I talk to you?" Alan asked as he got up and grabbed Austin's arm.

A while passed, Austin and Alan finally came back to the living room. "Yea we have to leave them" Austin said as he picked up jade and flung her over his shoulder. "AUSTIN FUCKING CARLILE PUT ME FUCKING DOWN OR SO HELP ME I WILL KILL YOU" jade screamed at Austin. "You can watch from the window" Austin said as he closed the door. I looked over at Alan "what was that about?" I asked confused. "Nothing let's just get some food" he said as he got up and walk to the kitchen. He came back with the Chinese boxes and fortune cookies. Out of the corner of my eye I saw jade paw at the window. I got up and walked to the window "what are you doing?" Alan asked as he looked past me at jade "your cat enough for me" I said giggling as I closed the curtains on her. I heard a meow come from outside "she doesn't give up dose her?" Alan asked as he got up and walked up behind me. "why are they both acting so weird?" I asked as I turned to face him "its nothing lets finishes eating oh and don't forget your fortune cookie". I smiled at him and picked up my Chinese box and started to eat it. Alan was finishes first and looked exited for something. Once I had finally finished I took the boxes into the kitchen and placed them in the garbage. i looked out the kitchen window to see jade half way up the tree trying to climb in and Austin trying to persuade her to get down. I pretended not to notice as I walked back to the living room. Alan was hunched all worried I walked up behind him and ran my hand over his shoulder. I sat down next to him holding the fortune cookies "pick I said to him"  I said as he went for the one in my left hand. He was looking really worried. He paused and opened his and nibbled on the cookie " it says this is just that start" he mumbled through eating. I tore open mine and snapped it in half as a ring fell on to my lap. I looked up at Alan who was now on one knee "rachael will you do me the honor of being my wife" before I could answer I heard jade shout from the other side of the door " SHE BETTER FUCKING SAY YES CAUSE I AM NOT SAVING HER ASS IF SHE SCREWS THIS UP" I looked at Alan who was trying not to laugh "only if I get to be the princess" Alans smile grew on his face "Alan I'm saying yes" Alan was trying to hold back tears and so was I. I wrapped my arms around Alans neck as he whispered in my ear " you're the one for me" i pulled back and looked at him as i kissed him. he picked up the ring for the sofa and placed on my finger, it was a silver ring that looked like a cat curling round my finger. Before we could do anything else jade busted through our window. " please tell me you fucking said yes !" I looked at Alan then her.
"I'm going to be Mrs. Ashby!" I shouted at her as I got up and ran to her. " can I tell her now?" jade asked looking at Austin. she grabbed my hand and took me to the bedroom. " what are you doing?" I kept asking her but she never answered. She stood me in front of the mirror and turned round. On the back of her onesie it said Mrs. Carlile. " on yours it says Mrs. Ashby, have a look". I turned and looked in the mirror. "oh my god its adorable!!" I shouted at jade. Jade looked at me "I'm so fucking happy for you !!! "

Once we finally got jade and Austin to leave Alans mum and dad came home with baby Anthony "we have some new to tell you" Alan said sitting down with his parents while I picked up Anthony. I joined them sitting on the sofa. " I asked rachael to marry me and she said yes" his mum and dad both looked at me cuddling Anthony as there jaws dropped " this soon?" his dad asked us looking at Alan " well they do have a child so why not ? if they really love each other then it will work" Alans mum nipped in with while smiling over at me. " what ever happens I'm proud of you now me and your dad and shattered so were going to go to bed night kids" she got up and took Alans dads hand and walked away to the spear bedroom. Alan looked over at me " that wasn't painful" I giggled slightly " we should really put him in his cot " I said as I slowly got up of the sofa and walked to the nursery. I lay him down gently and gave him his kitty toy. Alan came up behind me and whispered "so Mrs. soon to be Ashby did I ever tell you stripes where you thing" I turned round to face him as I wrapped my hands around his neck " yes my ginger princess?" I said sarcastically Alan looked into my eyes "I love you" as he pulled me in closers. "I love you to" I quietly whispered back to him. without a sound Alan pulled me up so I was sitting on his hips and carried me through to the bed room. He lay me down on the bed and started to unzip the onesie "WAIT!" I shouted "baby monitor" Alan gave off a slight chuckle as I got up and ran through to get it. " if its not jade wrecking our moments its you" he chuckles as I walked back in " now where were we" he said as he started to kiss me neck

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