Chapter 19- Break Free ( Jades P.O.V )

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Rachael left to get a drink. I looked at Alan who looked okay compared to the state he was in last night. Austin and I started playing cod again. I was winning but this was my last chance to win the whole game. I sneaked up the stairs and shot him on my second attempt. I started jumping up and down shouting "I win! I am the winner!" Austin threw away his controller, put his head in his hands and pretended to cry. I put one leg on each side of his and sat on his lap. I moved his hands away from his face and kissed him. "Aww, did he loose his wittle game" I said laughing. "Yeah, but I won something more important" he said with a cheesy grin. "What?" I asked. "You" he said as he pushed me on my back on the sofa and climbed on top of me and started kissing me. Both of us were laughing as we looked at each other and remembered Alan was still sitting. We both looked at him as he shook his head laughing. "Get a room!" Alan said giggling. "You get out the room" Austin joked. I pushed him off me as he said that but instead of him pushing himself up so he fell in the sofa, he rolled and fell on the floor. "I'm so fucking sorry" I said as I leaped up and hugged him as he got up. As we hugged all we heard was "I swear you've got Tourette's" getting said in the background by Alan. "Rachael used to say that but then she realised that it's just me... It's good for when I'm mad!" I said smiling trying to look innocent. "You! Mad! Never!" Austin said smirking, looking down at me with his dark brown eyes and raising his eyebrows. "I'm never mad!" I said trying not to laugh as Austin and Alan looked at me. "Yeah, you're the Virgin Mary!" Alan said sarcastically. "Nope. She's definitely not that!" Austin teased as he kissed me. We all burst out laughing as we sat back down. "That wasn't a secret for long!" I said shaking my head at Austin. "They were gonna find out anyway!" Austin laughed. "Yeah, we'd definitely find out if you had a kid" Alan laughed "That's not happening anytime soon!" I said. "Hey! I want like forty kids!" Austin moaned. "That's a lot of sex" Alan said like he was a genius. "By the way you and Rachael are going you'll have fucking eighty!" I said laughing even though Alan looked serious. "Nah, I'm not into kids" Alan said looking at the floor and being more serious as usual. "I'd love kids" Austin said in deep thought.

In a split second Rachael had took us all out of our deep thoughts by running past us and soon she was sitting on the bottom step of the bus. Bitch is gonna be a alcoholic soon. She must have been talking to the guys as they soon walked through. "You guys all look okay... What the fuck happened to her!" Tino asked. All of us burst out laughing. "She's dying" Phil said. "Good maybe that'd stop the bitch stealing our drinks" I said sarcastically as all of us laughed but that happiness was short lived as Aaron said "Who's she talking to?" we all thought that it might just be a fan or a crew member. We all sat and continued talking about last night and kept embarrassing Alan but Aaron knew something was up. He walked over to the door and that's when I heard the one thing I never thought I'd hear... "GIELLE!?!" In the bus we all looked at each other. Alan, Phil and Tino ran out of the door. I glared at Austin as he looked at me concerned. I leaped up and marched to the door, then something stopped me, he had grabbed my hand and was now holding it, running his thumb over my knuckles. I turned and looked at him. He gave me a reassuring smile and kissed my cheek. I smiled but deep down I was asking myself how I was going to cope in prison. We walked to the door and walked out. She spotted us and watched every move we made. I looked at her to see her standing, smirking at us. I wanted to hit her already... This was a record. I growled at her as Austin said "Why don't we take this on to the bus?" Since there was a crowd gathering. She climbed onto the bus. I wanted to drag her back down the stairs and beat the shit out of her but no, I'll be civilised. As I was walking past Rachael to go on the bus she looked at me, concerned. Probably thinking 'Don't kill her'...

I walked onto the bus to see her sitting on the sofa. Make yourself at home... Bitch. I sat on the sofa across from her and Austin sat next to me and held my hand. "This the new dog you've got?" She smirked. "Yeah, I am! Are you the old mutt! I'm a pedigree, woof!" I said glaring at her. "Why are you here Gielle?" Austin asked. She was still glaring at me before turning to face him. "I'm here for you babe" she said smiling at him but he was glaring at her... Good boy! "Babe! Babe! Fucking babe!" I said in shock "Aww, you're like a parrot!" She said in her sarcastic tone. "It's you that belongs in a fucking cage!" I yelled. She glared at me. "What do you mean you're here for me?" Austin asked, trying to change the subject. "I miss you and I know you still love me!" She pleaded. "Gielle get a fucking grip, I love Jade not you!" The smile slipped off her face, while my smile got bigger but that was quickly ruined "Austin I don't know what the fuck you're trying to prove but you trying to convince yourself that you love this whore and telling yourself that you're happy isn't going to make mum come back" Gielle snapped. I could see that it made Austin mad but tore him apart at the same time. "You bitch!" I shouted as I leaped up and pinned her against a wall. I tightened my grip as the bus door was flung open and Rachael ran in. "Jade. Let. Her. Go!" Rachael screamed. "Get the fuck out Rachael!" I screamed tightening my grip again as Gielle scratched at my arm and hand trying to loosen my grip. "Jade! Stop!" Rachael pleaded. "No!" I snarled. "Jade! You're not going to prison on me! Let her go!." Rachael demanded. I ignored her. Watching Gielle struggle for breath was better than watching my favourite movie. I heard screaming in the background but I blocked it out then I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Austin. "She's not worth it, you're not going to prison, I need you here, with me" he whispered in my ear. I let go of her as she fell to the floor and gasped for breath. "Now get the fuck out, or she won't be the one you'll have to worry about!" Rachael said to her as she got up. It made me laugh, I have to save her ass all the time, she won't be saving mine anytime soon.

Austin grabbed my waist and pulled me in close. I rested my head on his chest and hugged him. "I love you!" He said as he kissed the top of my head. "I love you too, but let me kill the bitch next time" I said laughing. We turned to look at Rachael in deep thought. I knew there was something wrong, she's never in deep thought... Unless there's food involved or there's something seriously wrong. I walked over to her. "What's wrong?" I asked "Nothing!" She snapped "Who else do I need to pin against a wall?" I said laughing. She looked at me seriously. I felt myself getting angry, knowing there's something wrong with her. Seriously wrong. Then she looked out of the bus door and ran out. I ran after her with Austin following me. I followed her until she was standing in between Alan and a pretty girl with pink hair. "Who the fuck are you!?" Rachael yelled. "Why don't you ask Alan that?" She smirked

50 shades of cashbyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora