Chapter 32- Fish Tale ( jades P.O.V)

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I woke up with my head resting on Austins chest as he had his arm wrapped around me. I watched him sleep. He was so adorable. I couldn't help but think about when he was holding baby Anthony and how happy he was. He had always wanted to settle down and have kids. I'm guessing now was the time. I looked at the side of Austin and noticed the time. It was 9am. I rested my head back on Austins chest and fell asleep.

I woke up to Austin poking my sides to try and wake me up. I looked up at him. "I'm tired!" I shouted. I rolled over so I wasn't facing him. Soon I felt Austins arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me back in closer. Within a second I was back lying right next to him. "Wake up" he whispered in my ear. I looked up at his deep brown eyes looking at me over my shoulder. I quietly held on to one side of the quilt and slowly started to pull it back over my head. Before I was completely wrapped up in the quilts again Austin pulled them back down and sat on them and me. I looked up at him sitting on me with one leg on both sides of my thighs. "Austin!" I said moaning. "Come on! We're leaving at 1" he moaned. "Austin. It's half 10" I answered back, not wanting to leave my bed. "Yeah but... I'm hungry" he answered back with a slight smirk. "Austin, food takes 10 minutes"
I answered fully awake. He put both of his hands on my hips, both under my black vest top. "Yeah, but what I want to "eat". She definitely takes more than ten minutes" he said leaning down. When he was centimetres off my lips I whispered "I hate you Austin Carlile" with a slight smirk. "I love you too Jade Carlile" was all he whispered before kissing me.

I was in the bathroom getting my hair ready when Austin walked in. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on mine. "I wouldn't spend so much time on your hair and make up" he said. "Why? Where are we going, a fucking morgue so I can look dead with all the other fucking zombies" was my sarcastic reply. He gave off a slight giggle. "No, you just don't need make up. Besides you're beautiful without it!" He said whilst kissing my cheek. "What are we doing?" I asked as I turned around to face him. "Well first we're going to get Rachael and Alan. Then we're going to go and do something I've always wanted to do. And I figured out you would like it as well. It will be a relaxing laugh" he said trying to not tell me the answer. "So we're going to pick up the hippo that dropped her load and the ginger princess and then live out one of your dreams. That doesn't sound wrong..." I said sarcastically. "My dreams were to get married to the love of my life and have a family. My dreams are nearly complete. The only way I can fulfil my dreams is with you" he said looking to my eyes before kissing me.

We both got Rachael and Alan. Alans mum and dad were wanting to look after Anthony and give them a break. Lucky to say the least. I kept thinking about if Austin and I finally had a kid. We would have no one. But that's what being a parent is about. It's about sacrificing everything for this one little special person that will change you and your life forever. Rachael and Alan got in the car. They both looked exhausted. "Jade, promise me you'll never have kids." Rachael said as she lay on Alan as if she was going to sleep. "She can't promise what she won't keep!" Austin said as we started driving. "So yous are thinking about kids then?" Alan asked "Hell yeah we're thinking about kids!" Austin replied. I looked at them both before shouting "Can we please stop talking about my vagina getting wrecked! Thank you!" Everything went silent until "Austins probably already wrecked it anyway" I turned to Rachael and glared at her as Alan burst out laughing and Austin went bright red.

We soon pulled up at discovery cove. We all got up and walked to the entrance. It was shut. I looked at Austin confused before someone called Zach walked around the corner. He took us to changing rooms and threw each of us a wetsuit. Rachael and I tied up our hair after putting on the wetsuits and walked out after the guys. "Well, here's your first part of today. After this you can sit and relax on the beach. Hope you brought all you need. But first let me introduce you to Lou." He whistled and soon a dolphin come straight towards us. He made it do a few tricks. It was amazing to see but now it was our turn. Rachael and Alan ran to the side of the tank. Alan leaped in whilst Rachael kind of flopped in. I looked at Austin as he looked at me. He reached out his hand as I locked hands with him. We both took a deep breath before running and jumping in the tank. As we both surfaced I heard shouting. I turned to see Rachael smacking Alans arm. "You bastard! They held hands and leaped in all cute and shit but no you fucked off and left me!" Alan pouted as she was shouting at him. I definitely know who wears the trousers in that relationship.

Soon we were all having a laugh and swimming about. Whilst you were swimming the dolphin would swim along beside you. It was such a beautiful animal. I reached my hand out as I was swimming and touched it's back. It was soft and smooth. Definitely not slimy like what I expected. We had been in the water for two hours. Lou had to go so Zach put her back in her enclosure after she gave...

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