Chapter 23- II XXVI X (Jades P.O.V)

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I arrived back to the bus with Rachael closely followed by the guys. I wanted to just sit on the couch and watch TV but now we had to pack. Great. I walked to the bedroom and dumped the cases on the bed. I walked over to the drawers and grabbed my clothes and threw them in the case. Packing was not my thing. Austin was standing with all of his clothes in his arms. "A little help?" He asked. "What's in the bag?" I asked. "Nothing. To do. With you!" He smirked. I drew him daggers. "Well if it's nothing to do with me then why don't you tell me!" I moaned taking the clothes off him and placing them on the bed. "Okay, it's a bracelet for my little cousin!" He said throwing the Tiffanys bag at me. I pulled out the long white case that had a silver bracelet with diamonds on it. "Aww, she'll love it! Why didn't you tell me?" I asked placing the bracelet in the box. "I thought it would annoy you. Every time I bought someone else a present my exes argued with me" he said looking at me. "Well I'm not them, am I?" I said smiling at him, closing the lid of the bracelet box "And that's why I love you!" He said kissing my cheek. "Mhm" I said as he walked to the bathroom.

I kept packing cases. I noticed the bracelet and grabbed the Tiffanys bag. It would look nicer in the bag and it'd keep it safer. I opened the bag and noticed a white piece of paper at the bottom of the bag. The receipt. I pulled it out and looked at it. 'Silver, diamond bracelet $300.00' He must love his cousin, my cousin gets a sweet, and that's at a push. Then what I read next shocked me. 'E & W $4500.00' I froze. What was this?, why did it cost so much? and why didn't he tell me?. I put the bracelet in the bag. Then I noticed it. Lying on the bed. I reached for it but before I knew it Austin ran past me, leaped onto the bed and grabbed it. "Nope!" He said grinning. "Give me it Austin!" I said seriously. "Nope!" He repeated. I leaped on the bed to get him but he stood up and ran to where I was originally standing. "Tell me what the fuck it is!" I said getting pissed. He smirked holding it in his hand. "Please just give me it and let me see it!" I said sitting in front of him. "I can't do that" he said looking at me. "Why?" I asked. He held my hand and pulled me up. "Because this is the one thing I want to do right!" He said smiling at me. I looked at him confused. He kissed my cheek and then went down on one knee. And opened the black velvet box to reveal two silver rings. The engagement ring was silver with diamonds all the way around it and the wedding ring was shaped as a princess crown with diamonds. I stood in shock. "You're my lil mosher, how about you become my queen and I can have you as my Squidgy for ever" He said grinning. "You're so fucking adorable! I love you!" I said grabbing him as he stood back up. I kissed him as he lifted me up so I was sitting on his hips. Suddenly the door opened. I turned to see Rachael and Alan.

"Take it yous have good news too?" Rachael asked. I looked at her, still slightly in shock. "We are keeping our little kitten. Time to buy balls of yarn" Alan said smiling and giggling. I hugged Rachael. "I'm so happy for you!" I whispered in her ear as she cried and stained my top. "Well what's your news then?" Alan asked. "Alan, how would you like to be my best man?" Austin asked tearing up. "You're getting fucking married!" Rachael said in shock. I turned to her and nodded. She grabbed me and hugged me until I couldn't breathe. "Congratulations!" Alan said as he hugged Austin, then me. "Rings!" Rachael demanded. I looked at her confused. "Let me see how fucking much he's spent" she laughed. I showed her them. She looked at me in shock. "So, you were meant to come here for Warped and I was meant to have the happiest time of my life and so far you get a ring that will cost a fortune, married to the man of your dreams and what do I get, knocked up and knocked out!" All of us pissed ourselves laughing at her. Alan hugged her and kissed her head as I wrapped my arms around Austins neck and kissed him.

After we finished packing we sat in the back lounge watching Star Wars and having a laugh. I cuddled into Austin and Rachael cuddled into Alan. "So when are you getting married?" Alan asked. "I don't know" Austin said looking at me to see if I had a suggestion. "The 26th of February" I said, knowing that was exactly when I wanted it. "But that was..." I cut Austin off. "I know, after it we can get tattoos and that way your tattoo won't bother you" I said smiling. "Are you sure? I would have got it covered" he asked. "I'm positive, I love your tattoos and this way you can keep them and I can get it as well" I said kissing his cheek. "You just want that tattoo don't you?" Rachael said as her and Austin laughed, both of them knowing my answer. "Yup" I said smirking, trying to make sense of Star Wars. Austin had his arm around my waist as I rested my head on his chest. On Star Wars the classic line came on 'Luke I am your father.' Suddenly the silence was broken by "Kitten. I. Am. Your. Father! Meow!" I turned to see Alan talking directly to Rachaels stomach. Oh god.

It was 12am. Star Wars was finishing. I looked at Alan and Rachael. She was sleeping next to him. He had his arm around her waist as his hand rested on her stomach. They were adorable. I put my head back on Austins chest. I felt myself drifting off, so was Austin. Austin picked me up since I was basically sleeping. He carried me to my bed and placed me in it. I cuddled into the pillow until he climbed in, wearing nothing but boxers. I cuddled into his bare chest after kissing him. "I love you, I'm glad Rachael brought you with her!" He said kissing my head. "So am I, I couldn't live without you. I love you" I said lifting my head to kiss him. I cuddled back into his chest and closed my eyes. Tomorrow was going to be a long plane ride to Orange County but at least I was with Austin. I'm so happy, my life's perfect, the perfect guy and the perfect friends but one thought run through my mind... What were the Fangirls going to say about me marrying Austin...

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