Chapter 15 - knocked Out (Jades P.O.V)

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Austin grabbed Vic by the front of his shirt and basically picked him up. Vic looked scared. I screamed at him "Austin he's not worth it!" in hope that he'd listen and put him down. I noticed Rachael leaving my side, I didn't even look to see what she was running for, I had enough problems of my own. I ran over to Austin. He wasn't going to prison again, not on my watch. I could tell he was going to kill Vic. I grabbed his arm. "Austin let him go!" He ignored me and tightened his grip, choking Vic. I could see him thinking about how he was going to hurt him next. "Austin fucking let him go!" I screamed at him getting frustrated. I put my hand on his arm and tugged at it. He simply loosened his grip and let Vic fall to the ground. I watched Austin. I noticed him clenching his fist. That's when I realised he wasn't finished yet, he kicked him in the ribs, causing Vic to scream in pain. He went to do it again and realised I was standing next to him. He quickly stopped himself and growled "You're fucking lucky she was here, I would have fucking killed you!" He turned around and hugged me. I thought it was over but no, Vic had to get one last dig in. "Austin, she's better off without you. You couldn't satisfy the last one what makes you think you'll satisfy this one. Soon she'll leave your sorry ass!" I turned to Vic and sarcastically laughed "Vic, Your sorry ass won't satisfy any girl, especially not me!" "You're just a whore like the rest of them" Vic said with a smirk. Oh how much I'd like to wipe it off his face, Austin must have had the same thought. Within a second Vic was on the ground again, with blood all over his face, knocked out. I looked at Austin shocked. "I was wanting to do that!" I said pouting and started laughing. Austin burst out laughing "That's my lil mosher" he said as he put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. I looked at him and smiled. That's when we both remembered, Alan was fighting Kellin. We both looked over. At that moment Rachael was falling to the ground.

I sprinted over pulling Austin with me. Alan was standing in shock but still shouting at Kellin. "What the fuck is going on! What did you do!?" I shouted running towards Kellin. "Whoa! It wasn't me! It was the Ginger Princess" Kellin smirked. "What the fuck man!" Austin shouted at Alan. "I...I...I never fucking meant to! That little fag made me!" Alan spat out. "FAG! That's rich from you!" Kellin shouted at him. "Can you two stop your little sissy argument? Austin go and get the car! We need to take her to a hospital" Austin kissed me "Don't do anything stupid!" He shouted as he ran to get the car. Alan was still arguing with Kellin. "She'd be better off with me!" Kellin shouted smirking. "No she won't! I actually love her!" Alan said back with his voice getting weak at remembering what he'd done to her. He even started tearing up. I realised how much he loves her. "Ha. The little poof loves the slut" I saw red. No one and I mean no one insults any member of Of Mice & Men or my best friend. They are my family and anyone that dares to insult them has to deal with me. I ran up to him and slapped him. "Is that all" Kellin said. I looked at him and whispered "Fuck no" before kneeing him in the balls. He fell to the floor. I kicked him repeatedly in the stomach and head.

Once I knew there was no chance of him getting up I walked over to Alan who was looking at me with his mouth wide open in shock. "Jade?" he asked. "Don't say a fucking word" I snapped at him. Maybe I was as violent as Austin. I walked over to Rachael. She was lying on her back on the ground. I kneeled down next to her. Alan kneeled on the other side of her. "She's cold" He said as took off his black and white checked shirt and put it on her. "Where's Vic?" Alan asked. "Over there" I pointed at him knocked out on the ground. "Hmm, you and Austin are a good match aren't you" he said looking at me and then looking behind me at Kellin. "Are they okay?" Alan asked worried. I looked at him and noticed he was worried. "I really don't know about Vic, Austin hit him pretty hard and broke a couple of ribs but Kellin should be okay, maybe a broken rib" I said looking at my vans and bottoms of my legs which were covered in blood. "As long as you guys are going to be okay, no prison" I looked at him and smiled "We won't be going to prison and anyway it's her that we should be worried about" I said looking down at Rachael. She looked like she was sleeping but she was as white as a ghost. Soon we heard moaning. We turned to see Kellin getting up. He walked over to Vic and nudged him to get him up. He tried for 5 minutes until he got him up. They both limped away. I couldn't care less about them, all I cared about was how Rachael was going to be.

I looked behind Alan to see Austins car approaching. He stopped beside us. I opened the door as Alan put Rachael in the car and walked over to the other side to get in beside her "What the fuck happened here?" Austin asked shocked "Nothing" I said laughing. "I fucking told you guys not to do anything stupid! Alan! What did you do?" Austin asked. "It wasn't fucking me!" Alan said looking at me. Austin turned and looked at me. "You?" he said raising his eyebrow. "Me!? Violent! Never!" I said smiling. "Remind me to never get on the wrong side of you!" he said laughing. "I'm really not that violent" I said as we started driving. "I'm gonna need to chain you to the bed" he said before realising how wrong it sounds. Alan, Austin and I all burst out laughing. "I didn't mean it like that... But that sounds good as well" he said before smirking and finally getting onto the main road. I looked at him and said "I'm not the Kinky fuck... She is!" We all burst out laughing but Alan looked slightly embarrassed.

We kept driving as fast as we could without being over the legal limit... Well, without being caught. We tried to stay as calm as we could. Occasionally having a laugh to try and take our minds off her but that's hard when she's in the back of the car. We finally arrived at the hospital. She got rushed into a ward to get checked. We all sat outside frightened of what we were going to find out, all of us thinking the same thing... Is she going to be okay?

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