Chapter 20- Broken Generation

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I looked at Alan "Who the fuck is this tramp then?" I shouted at him. "She's an ex". I froze as my insides crumbled. She was prettier and skinnier than me. I knew it was too good to be true. There was no way I could date Alan Ashby and keep him but I wasn't going to back down. "!?" I spat out from my teeth. Alan could see I was angry. "I heard all about you and decided to see if you were what the news was making you out to be was true". My blood started to boil as I tightened my fists to resist punching her. "And what was that then?" I growled. "That you were pretty, skinny and Alans love of his life... But you're not are you? Your just a Scottish girl that Alan felt sorry for and saw an easy opportunity to get laid. I'm the one he actually loves". Everyone's eyes locked on me wanting to see what I'd do. Alan went to say something "ALAN SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW!" I yelled at him. Jade pulled Alan back and took his place. "I suggest you leave," I mumbled to her. "No, I came to claim my prized Alan back from your grubby little paws," I couldn't take it no more. I turned to walk away but spun back round and kicked her legs from under her. I reached for her throat to keep her down and started punching her. "It took Austin, Tino and Aaron to pull me off her. Jade and Phil held her back. "I suggest you leave and never come back here" Jade snarled at her. She looked Jade up and down. "I'm so happy Austin found someone perfect for him just a shame Alan's too blind to see I'm the one for him,". I felt Austins grip on my arms get looser as if to say go for her. I stormed over to her "Alan knows what he's fucking got! He knows I ain't nothing special but for some reason he makes me feel special and soppy I know I fucking love him so back the fuck off bitch" I spat bitch all over her. She looked at me and slapped my cheek. Her ring caught on it ripping my cheek. Jade picked her up "No one fucking hurts my best mate, not even a whore like you". Jade stormed away to the security guards to make sure she will never get back in. I walked over to Alan who was sitting with his head on his knees. "Why didn't you tell me?" he looked up to see my cheek bleeding and tears running down my face. "I didn't know how to tell you" he stood up and went to take my hand but I pushed him away. "No! it's too late" I stormed away from him tears running down my cheeks. I heard him punch the bus and Jade run after me. "Rach come back Alan loves you" I turned to her "If he did then why didn't he tell me about that bitch and why didn't he save me". Jade went silent. "I've never saw you that angry before" she mumbled "All my life I have been put down and cheated on! This is the happiest I have ever been and... and look what's happened she comes along and screws it up for me!" I turned to Jade and cried on her shoulder. I heard Austin walk up behind us. "Right come on" he mumbled as he flung me over his shoulder. He carried me back to the tour bus where everyone was standing. He put me down and I wiped away the tears. Alan saw me and bolted straight to me "I am so fucking sorry I love you and only you" he wrapped his hands round my waist and picked me up. I wrapped my legs round his hips. "I love you too" I sniffled. He pressed his soft lips against mine and kissed me. "Now that's a better love story than twilight!" Phil shouted as we all laughed. "Why don't we all go out? No drinking just for food?" Tino suggested. "Where to?" Aaron asked. Me and Jade looked at each other "Taco bell!" we both shouted. 

We all arrived at taco bell. Alan hadn't left my side since we made up. I was still annoyed with him and I think he knew it. I felt fat so I ordered nearly everything off the menu including deserts. I kept getting cravings for tacos and random things like chips. Jade was being skinny as ever and ordered just one. No one dared to mention about me loosing my temper earlier. After we ate I was ready to sleep but Alan had different plans. He kept nibbling my ear. "You know what that does to me right?" I whispered to him. He winked at me " Why don't we be the first ones to go back to the bus? They aren't going to leave for another hour?". I bit my lip. At that moment Alan shot up out of his seat. "Rach doesn't feel to well so I think I'm going to take her back to the bus". "Maybe because she's ate the whole of taco bell dude?" Phil piped up. Alan took my hand and lead me out. We walked slowly until we were out of there sight then Alan flung me on his back. "RUN FOREST RUN!" I shouted at him as we bolted back to the bus park.

Once back at the bus we shut the door and ran up the stairs. Alans hands wrapped round my waist and pulled me in close. "I'm going to make it up to you" Alan moaned in between kissing me. "Are you now?" I asked as he started kissing down my neck. He didn't answer and flung me on to the sofa. He slipped off his top his back was covered in scratches from the previous times we have had sex. I winked a him. "Are you ready for this babe?" Alan asked me trying to act sexy. "Ready as I will ever be",

I looked down on the floor to see our clothes scattered about. "How's the back?" I asked Alan. He looked over his shoulder at the new claw marks I had made. He rolled on to his side to face me "They were worth it" he said and kissed my nose. "Best time ever" I moaned as I cuddled in to him. I closed my eyes and listened to his heart beating. I was in heaven. We had lost  track of time as we heard the guys coming down the side of the bus. We both jumped up and gathered our things up and bolted to the lounge at the back of the bus. We just finished putting our clothes on when Jade and Austin walked in. "Feeling ill were we?" Austin asked as he grilled us. "More like wanting to be bunnies!" Jade said as she flung my pants at me. Me and Alan looked at each other and giggled. " 3 more months with these two" Austin said " I hope it bites you on your arses" Jade said as they both walked out and left us. I turned to Alan " I love you my ginger nugget" " I love you to my Scottish tabet".

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