Chapter 14- You Make Me Sick

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I looked at Alan smirking at Austin. "Where is it?" I asked Jade "Where? What?" she looked confused. "The condom, we know you had sex," Jade looked at Austin. "Rachael you can't just come out with that" Alan said as he grabbed my hips and pulled me in front of him. He started nibbling my neck. I took a deep breath trying to ignore what he was doing "Plus, Jade I can see you have your pants on back to front". Jade moved as fast as she could to check her pants while looking over at Austin. "See I did notice that as well as Austin has sex head" Alan piped up looking at Austin. "Alright we did it but we won't turn into bunnies like you pair" Jade moaned. Alan and I burst into laughter. "We aren't bunnies" "Oh really bad kitty because we heard you growling yesterday" piped up Jade. My face went bright red as did Alans. "Okay I'll admit we are a tad loud," Alan mumbled. At that moment their manager chapped the bus door. "Shit rehearsal!" Alan jumped up and opened the door Austin swiftly followed him mumbling "love you lil mosher."

"Let's see it then!" I shouted at Jade. She stood up and lifted her top up so that I could see her new tattoo. It was amazing. Jade and I wanted to get matching tattoos ever since high school when we used to draw on ourselves with pens. "This is the one you sketched up ages ago wasn't it?" she nodded. I traced my finger along the curve of the ampersand. "How much sly puss?" "$150 wasn't cheap." My jaw dropped to the floor " HOW MUCH?! WHO PAID?!" Jade laughed. "Just because you're a cheap ass hoe Rachael. and Austin, he insisted". My mind started racing. "So while I was letting Ally cat watch Zoe Deschannels ass and try keep up with a movie which lets be honest a monkey wrote, you go a work of art tattooed on your side... My date cost ME $12!... Bitch!" Jade just started laughing. "Aww poor you" plopped out her mouth as she hugged me. "Least our sex life is better," I mumbled in her ear. She pulled back and looked at me "Should get Alan to get you a tattoo then we can get our matching ones" I looked at her "And this time it won't wash off when we synchronise pee" We both collapsed on the sofa in hysterics. "Want to go see them rehearse? After all I know you love it when Alan head bangs" "And I know what happens downstairs when Austin screams proud and whispers hun" I replied after a good laugh we both got up and headed for the door "Might want to wear headphones tonight if you think we're too loud lil mosher" Jade slapped the back of my head "Shut it Pussy Galore! Now move it or we will miss them".

After rehearsals we were all swamped with interviews and getting ready for their performance. For once Alan and I weren't the main attraction but Jade and Austin. Most asked question for Jade was "Are you all right, in the head" After her performance with the fangirl. The good side of it was no fangirls tried to kiss your man or steal them. At the concert people knew who we were. Girls wanting selfies with us and autographs. Jade took to it like a duck to water. The boys never failed to deliver when it came to their performances. The crowd was going wild mosh pits and circle pits happening. Once again Austin asked us two special girls up on stage just so we wouldn't get hurt. Normally I would just headbang behind Alan but as I went to walk past him he grabbed my hips and pulled me in and started snogging me the crowd filled with "Awws" as Austin wrapped is arm round Jade and kissed her. I walked over to Jade and took her hand we know what was coming as bones exposed started to play.

Once they had finished their set we walked off stage as Alan ran up behind me and picked me up. The smell of him ran up my nose. We both looked over at Austin and Jade who were so freaking cute. I glanced over to see Vic and Kellin. "Shit!" I whispered to Alan. He looked at me as I turned his head towards their direction. "Let's hope Austin doesn't see them or they are dead meat for what they did to yous". We both walked over to them. I grabbed Jades hand and pulled her aside while Alan distracted Austin. "Look to your left! We have a problem!" Jade glanced over at them "Fuck! What are we going to do!? They're heading our way!". Before we knew it they were a meter away from Austin and despite all of Alans tricks Austin spotted them. He stormed up to them Jade quickly followed as did I and alan.

"I swear to god if I didn't want to stay out of jail I would smash you into tiny pieces for disrespecting my girl you hear me Fuentes?" "You too Quinn" Alan piped up to try and act hard. Vic looked away while Kellin tried to stare him down. Vic pushed Kellins shoulder "Leave it!" Kellin started to walk away but Vic wasn't finished "After all Jade was the one I wanted, not that sad excuse of Alans new arm candy. More like shit,". I looked at Jade. This wasn't going to be a pretty sight. "What did you just say?" Jade growled at Vic "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!". Vic turned around "Look at you doll face. Trying to act all hard to prove that you're something to your man! What pity me and you could have been the cute couple round here what you say? Fling his sorry ass!" Austin pushed Jade back towards Alan and I. I had never seen him this angry. "What you saying to my girl Fuentes?". Austin towered over Vic. "Hey Ashby! What's wrong? These girls are showing that they got more balls than you have whiskers" shouted Kellin. Alan walked until he was face to face with Kellin. I tried to hold Jade back " YOU FUCKING TOUCH MY AUSTIN AND I SWEAR TO GOD VIC I WILL SMASH YOUR PUS IN" Austin ignored what Jade said. "So whats it going to be Vic?" Austin snarled "Walk away? or are you going to make me?" Vic spat at him. Kellin pushed Alan who returned with a punch. Austin picked Vic up by his shirt. I kept my eyes on Alan and drowned out Jade shouting at Austin. Alan got punched in the stomach and I started to panic I ran towards him as Kellin went to punch him I slapped his face but before Alan could see who was in front of him he punched the back of my head and everything went black.

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