"Oliver, why would we clear everyone out, and why do you need to know that?"

"Where do you think that sorcerer is Jansen? Do you think he just disappeared? I doubt it. Lets check the room, and if it's clear we'll call everyone back in. I just don't want anyone to get hurt." I told him, being partially honest at the end. Hesitantly he led me down a hallway, and down some stairs. There was a door at the end, but it was padlocked.

"I don't know the code." He stated.

"Is there some sort of surveillance in there?" I asked.

"Yeah, the surveillance room is back upstairs." He looked at me, hope in his eyes. I nodded, telling him to take me there instead. When we walked into the room, all the screens showed that nobody was around.


But more importantly, one of the screens showed the shelves and shelves of Florane, neatly stacking in glass containers.

"See Oliver, nobody's in there." Jansen said, looking relieved.

"Not yet." I muttered, smiling to myself. This was too easy. I started typing and working on shutting off all of the cameras, ignoring Jansen's panicked questioning. Within thirty seconds they were all off.

"Oliver! What the hell are you doing?"

"Jansen you should really learn to not be so trusting." I told him, patting him lightly on the back and walking past him and down the stairs. He was on my heels, fuming.

"What are you talking about? Are you doing this for your master? You're safe here; you don't have to obey him anymore!" He was stressing now, voice shaking with horror. I stopped in my place outside the door that held the Florane and looked at him, smirking victoriously.

"Jansen, you've been blind. I don't have a master. I'm doing this because it needs to be done. Lucky for you and this entire area I decided I could care less if a group of pathetic humans want to live life on their own without vampires. However, the fact that getting in and operating this entire plan shows you obviously aren't smart enough to be in control of yourselves, but that's not my concern." I laughed at his expression of mortification.

"Us humans?" He asked, picking up on my hint. With a slightly evil grin I let my eyes blacken.

"Oh my God! You're a vampire?! How did you even get in?!" He shouted, stumbling backward. He pulled out his cell, but I yanked if from his grip and smashed it against the floor. After that, I shoved him to the ground, smiling fakely at him.

"Why don't you act like a good little human and stay right there so I don't have to hurt you." He looked up at me, showing complete helplessness. Shrugging, I kicked in the locked door and walked in calmly, knowing Jansen wasn't going anywhere. I didn't even humor him with a response. I looked around the medium sized room, grabbing some of the glassware and dumping its contents on the floor. I was careful to not get any on myself, and continued for a couple of minutes.  

When I was content that there was enough to blow the entire room and most of the building up, I led a trail of Florane out into the hallway. Seeing me pulling out my matches must've knocked Jansen out of shock, because he jumped up and stood between me and the trail of liquid on the floor.

"If you want to destroy all of the Florane, you'll have to kill me first." The determination in his eyes was wavering.

"Jansen, I actually quite like you. I don't have any plans to kill you. Tell you what, I'll give you fifteen seconds to get out of the building. You can even try and warn people that there's a vampire here." I told him cheerfully. He didn't move.

Pure Blood (Book two of the Blood Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя