
"We must ride into Florendel at once! Establish dominance!" I sighed boredly, sitting back in my chair at a rather unladylike angle.

"Don't be stupid, Lancelot. The people will rebel if we do that. I move we send in a tribute of food and silk with four knights to apologize for the unfair treatment from the previous rulers. Establish trust and obedience." The night glared at me, and then Arthur. "Quiet your foolish sister, Arthur." He gave him a sharp look. "She is not only my sister, but your princess and my adviser. She is right, it is better to have them like us and depend on us rather than sit under our thumbs in contempt. Who moves to attack?" Lancelot and a few other nights muttered, 'Aye.' But when Arthur asked who wished to send a tribute, everyone else agreed. "Are you foolish or simply lovesick dogs? This girl knows absolutely nothing of war." I sat forward. "Which is why I shall leave it to Arthur when war is the only option. But we should not waste time or lives in un-necesary fights that will only lead to more violence. This much you surely must understand." Dejected, he sat back in his seat and let the meeting run its course.

"Finally!" I muttered, watching everyone else file through the doors. Arthur stopped Merlin and I from going out.

"There will be a banquet, in two days time, to celebrate the engagement. Please, gods, make sure that there is something to celebrate." Guinevere followed him out, and I followed Merlin back to Gaius' shop.

"Ah, the lovebirds return alas. Annette, I have a few notes for you to look over." I smiled and sat down, reviewing the remedies.

"These all look fine, but I would recommend Rosemary in the sleeping drought." He smiled and took the papers from me, scratching his quill on the paper. "Merlin. You have the week to yourself, work back up next Monday after the banquet." Shocked, he stared at him. "Are you serious?" Gauis rolled his eyes. "Yes. Now get out of my work space." I went to the door, and Merlin was held back. Gauis leaned down to whisper in his ear for a moment before shoving him at me.

"What was that all about?" I questioned on our way back to town. "Nothing." He replied quickly. "Merlin, secrets aren't your trade. I'm surprised you kept the sorcery to yourself for so long." He grimaced. "Arthur nearly had my head there." I chuckled. "You know that my secrets never last long, but you need to leave this one be, alright?" My smile faded.

"Uh, sure, I suppose." He gave me a weak smile, and then shifted the topic completely.

"So, Prince of the kingdom? Really?" I nodded. "If you ever ask me, then yes, but you are in no danger of inheriting the crown. Arthur and Gwen should be with child soon, he wants a daughter and then a son." I smiled again. "Goodness, children make me nervous. I'd hate to ever be left alone with one." I grimaced and he noticed. "So you don't want children?" My gaze softened. "Oh, Merlin. I'm not entirely sure. I mean, maybe. One day. I don't know." He seemed disappointed, and I knew I couldn't help him. That was the one area we had always disagreed upon, no matter what. We approached the castle soon after, without a word between us, and Merlin left me to serve Arthur.

Merlin's POV

I sighed and pushed open Arthur's bedroom door. He glanced up at me from his desk, glaring. "You walked away from her rather quickly." I squinted. "Were you watching us? You know what, I don't care. We're just having a spat." He narrowed his eyes. "Why?"

"She loathes children." Arthur shook his head, seeming confused. "No, she absolutely adores children. Well, she used too."

"What happened?" He seemed uneasy. "I don't think-"

"Arthur, there's no way she'll ever tell me. Out with it." He sighed. "She always knew that when she got older she would be a mother. Of course she wanted to make something of herself, but kids were always a solid part of her plan. She loved them, and she helped in the nursery since she was sixteen up until about a year before you came to Camelot." I nodded. "But what changed? She seems jumpy at the idea."

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