Five: The Brother

Start from the beginning

Alerting me that someone was following me. Damn, I probably passed out border kilometres ago. I was so trapped by my hurt I didn't even realise.

'Don't look behind you, Eli. Just run, you're almost safe. Run!' I heard an unfamiliar voice link me.

It almost made me do the opposite of what it was telling me, it was so sudden and unfamiliar.

I controlled my surprise and did as the voice said, soon enough I stopped right in front of a man, fully clothed. He didn't really look scary. He had brown gorgeous skin, like mine, a puff of curly brown-blonde hair and the most familiar brown eyes. I knew those brown eyes.

"You're safe here." He said looking down at me.

His voice matched the one that had just linked me. How did he link me though, he's obviously not in my Pack. I unknowingly crossed that border hours ago. I'm really crap at geography so I don't know when our border ends. I must have been wondering about. That's so dangerous.

"It is dangerous. Now, please go shift." He points to a bush however I move backwards. How the hell did he know what the heck I was thinking?

"Woah there, Eli. You're going back into No Man's Land. That would get both you and I killed."

Having had enough of this unknown man and not being able to actually voice myself, I made my way to the bush and shifted back, dressing as quickly as possible I move from behind the bush ready to direct all my questions.

I fire my first question, "Who are you?"

"Everything will be explained later. Let's get inside first." He says simply.

Has he lost his mind, "Let's? So, I'm just supposed to walk off with you?"

"I mean, you trusted me up until this point." He shrugs.

Not being able to counter that, I trail behind him for a little while until we reached a large but not ginormous house. It actually looked really cute. It was a two-storey white house with blue shutters. Like the house in The Notebook.

"I built it with that purpose." My head snapped to his as he was now beside me, "For it to look like the house from The Notebook." I nodded.

I don't really want to talk to him, he's genuinely creeping me out. I don't know how he keeps reading my thoughts or why he would even want to. What a major invasion of privacy. I heard him chuckle and I huffed, crossing my arms in annoyance.

We got into the house and I just couldn't handle it anymore, I asked again, "Who are you?"

"Your future brother-in-law. Nathaniel Russo." He winked, "I'm supposed to keep you safe when my dickhead of a brother can't." I knew I knew those eyes from somewhere. His eyes are identical to Alexander's.

Has he been the person that's been watching me, although I just met him, that would make me feel better. Knowing that it's not some weirdo stalker but my mates' brother.

"Don't you have your own mate to take care of?"

Surely she would have a massive issue with her mate out looking after someone else's mate. I mean, he looks old enough to have found her already but then again she could be dead or not found yet. Maybe that was an intrusive question.

"Nope." He says simply but I still feel like I overstepped.

My head lowers, "Oh. You called that strip of land No Man's Land, why?" I completely change the topic of conversation.

"Oh, that's not important." He waves it off, "Just familiarise yourself with you border ending so you don't land up there again."

"Call me a dickhead again and I'll castrate you, brother." My mates voice makes itself known before he does.

Nathaniel grins, "Why hello to you too, Alex."

He walked into the room looking drop dead gorgeous, his hair let down and his beard looking freshly trimmed, "Whatever. C'mon, Eli. I'll take you back home."

My wolf was yipping away, she was happy to finally be in her mates' presence but I could tell she wanted more. She wanted to be in his arms. And that was not going to happen. We all know that, well everyone besides her clearly.

While she was happy to see him, I was just angered. I was being chased by things in No Man's Land and he doesn't even seem bothered! On top of that he gets his brother to look after me, why doesn't he do it himself? Am I that unbearable to him that he can't even look after me himself?

What am I even saying? I don't need him to take care of me, I can take care of my damn self. I literally don't need him.

"No. I'd rather have Nathaniel take me." I say, purely as an act of defiance.

He still slightly creeped me out.

"What? You literally just met him and you're already willing to have him take you home?" Alexander says incredulously.

"Yes," I cross my arms, "Goes to show what a little kindness, can do for two people." I spat.

His eyes are slits, "That fucking tone will not work with me, Elijah."

"How about this one: I don't give a shit!" I yell.

I mean, would it actually kill him to show some compassion or worry? I could've died if it weren't for Nate.

I can see the fury burning in his now pitch black eyes, his wolf obviously not appreciating my tone. Alpha's always had less control but more control at the same time. Less control of their anger, possessiveness and such. More control of their wolves.

I could care less about upsetting his wolf at this point, Alexander was insufferable. How in the worlds was the Moon expecting us to get along?

"Eli –" Alexander had begun but Nate cut him off.

"It doesn't matter. None of this matters. Alex, go cool off. I technically am her guardian. She was bound to get used to me. I will take her. Just calm down." He said the last two words cautiously but sternly.

He turns away from his brother and stares at me, "Whatever, I don't give a shit anyway. Great to see you're still alive, Eli." He spits out with so much venom, I almost took a step back. He then turns around and walks away. Really, he marches away.

"You should cut him some slack." Nate says looking at me, once Alexander has left.

I scoff, "Why? Because 'he's been through a lot'?"

"Actually, he constantly goes through a lot." He shrugs.

"He's not very pleasant to be around nor does he even act like..." a mate, I desperately wanted to say but didn't, "Ugh, never mind. Let's just leave. Please. I don't need my parents on my case again."

Nathaniel queries, "Where were you going anyway?"

"To him, I guess." I huff.

He hides a smile, "Oh."

"Yeah, unfortunate much." I let out a humourless chuckle.

He punches my cheek, "I think it's cute." I slap his hand away, "Don't touch my face."

"Elijah. You do realise his Pack is roughly two hundred and sixty kilometres away from mine, right? And mind I remind you he just got back from a meeting out of the country. He could've been sleeping or something. Meaning, he hol-assed his way here. Just to make sure you were okay. Even though he must be exhausted."

I had no clue. Two hundred and sixty kilometres? Holy macaroni.

"He isn't the monster you think he is... Not completely anyway."

My Monster Mate (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now