Sting's mouth was agape and so was the rest of the class. Zeref eyed me suspiciously and continued with teaching the lesson.

After not being productive and arguing with my cousin about a stupid party the bell rang for lunch. I shoved my things in my bag dragging my limbs to get out of the class before the halls started to flood with students.


It's funny how I have Mavis for art after Zeref's math class because they are together and all.

Once I got into the classroom Lucy, Gray, Rouge and, unfortunately, Loke was all present. I sat in between Lucy and Gray and glared at Loke. No matter how many weeks go by I will always view him as a pervert. Especially what happened at the bookstore.

"Hey, flame brain." Gray greeted with a smirk across his face.

"Ice cube," I muttered lowly.

Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath. "You both better not start anything today." She addressed darkly. Rouge sighed knowing if someone never said it then we all knew Gray and I would go at it.

Though today I wasn't in the mood to argue I just needed-

"Attention class" Mavis clapped her hands together and smiled.

"Today I want you to think of a song and draw a picture whatever comes to mind. If you don't finish it by the end of the period it will become homework which will be due tomorrow." She smiled warmly again and headed to her desk.

Mavis has always been really sweet and kind. I don't see how she got with someone like Zeref.

"Natsu I want you to come to my Halloween party that's coming up," Lucy grinned grabbing her pencil case.

Curse you Sting for jinxing it.

"I decline," I spoke slowly so she got the message. But that wasn't the case.

"You are coming no matter what! You need to get out more and socialize!" The blonde exclaimed rather demanding.

I hate parties I would rather be sleeping. It's much better than going anywhere with people gathering.

"Tch, hell no I'm not going," I said.

"Even Rouge's going." Gray chimed in. I rolled my eyes and picked up a 2b pencil to start sketching my picture.

"But where is Rouge without Sting?" I clarified and Rouge had pink cheeks. Loke laughed and added his input. "Natsu you really should go you'll miss out, don't tell me you haven't been to a party before"

The last time I've been to a party was Gajeel's eleventh birthday party when I was ten. Does that count? But that was years back.

"Yes, I've been to a party thank you very much." I glared at Loke.

"Oh yeah? When?" Gray commented putting his right index finger and thumb on his chin.

"Don't worry about it," I told him putting my attention back in my drawing. I was sketching a girl in a bathtub with her toes and knees showing as well as her hands. The bubbles in the tub covered her body parts. I added shower curtains and water toys in the picture. I was now fixing her hair to make her have bangs and two ponytails. I made more bubbles but had them look as if they were rising from the tub. When I completed that I sketched a bar of soap in the girl's mouth.

Lucy leaned over to look at my paper and gasped. She grabbed my paper and kept staring at it.

"This is really good Natsu I never knew you could draw like this." She complimented handing back my paper. Only to have Gray take it then Rouge and lastly Loke see it.

"..Thanks." I admitted.

"What song is this picture for?" Rouge said curiously. I looked at him and thought about the song for a second.

"Soap by Melanie Martinez. Wendy was playing it the other day and it's been stuck in my head ever,"  I answered truthfully. Furthermore, I drew the tiles in the background completing my sketch.

"From the Crybaby album? Oh my gosh, I need to speak about this to Wendy!" Lucy squealed pumping up her fist.

I've noticed she did that whenever she was excited about something.

The final bell rang meaning the school day came to a close. I took my sketch and was proceeding to give it to Mavis.

"Natsu you're coming to the party even if it means dragging you out of bed!" Lucy said with a load of determination. I have no choice but to agree now. I sighed and gave my assignment to the teacher.

"Fine, I'll go just stop bothering me." I ran my fingers through my hair and slung my backpack on my left shoulder.

"Yay!" The blonde exclaimed and left to go find Erza. Gray smirked and we began to walk off school grounds.

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