Souji(eyebrow twitch)-"Then don't use my wife as a shield you pipsqueak"

Chizuru-"A-Ano, Souji. Let's not take out the katanas please"

Souji(sheathes sword)-"*sighs*At least you let me take out something else when we're alone, right?" He begins chuckling


Heisuke-"Stop it! You're gross!"

Souji-"And you're short"

Heisuke-"I'll kill you!"

Kondou(to Hijikata)-"Well, it appears he hasn't stopped teasing Chizuru"

Sanou-"Anywayyyss, Chizuru would you like your children to learn swordsmanship, or at least Yuichi?"

Chizuru-"I would like both of them to learn. I want Yuki to be able to depend on herself as well instead of her brother"

Souji-"But that's why Yuichi is there, he'll protect our little Yuki"

Chizuru-"But what if Yuki ends up going somewhere alone?"

Souji-"Hahaha, my Blushing Beauty. There is no way in hell, she's going to be alone as long as I'm alive. Or even after, never ever"

Chizuru-"What about when she gets married?"

Souji-"Simple, she'll stay single and live with us forever"

Heisuke-"Sheesh Souji, what if Yuki ends up being like you?"

Souji-"Then we'll be fine. If she's stubborn like Chizuru then we have an issue"

Chizuru(raises eyebrow)-"I'm stubborn?"

Souji(gives her a big kiss on the cheek)-"But that's one of the thousand reasons why I love you my Winter Bunny"

Heisuke-"Do you have to keep going with the nicknames?"

Souji-"Excuse me for being loving towards my wife"


Sanousuke-"It is pretty bizarre seeing this side of Souji"

Hijikata-"The annoying side of him still exists though"

Souji-"Ehh? I'm not annoying am I, Chizuru?"

Chizuru(kisses cheek)-"*giggles* Of course not sweetheart"

Heisuke-"Chizuru, I still can't believe you chose Souji?"


Souji(hugs her from behind)-"Really now shorty, you're seriously picking a fight with me"

Heisuke-"So what if I am perve?"

Souji-"You're lucky my wife is infront of me"

Saito(rocking baby)-"I would appreciate it if both of you would settle down. Yuichi is asleep"

Shinpachi-"Hahaha, Hajime looks more like Chizuru's husband"

Souji-"And you look like Heisuke's wife"

Kondou-"He does have a point Souji"

Souji-"I will forbid all of you to stop seeing Chizuru and my bunnies if you start pissing me off"


Souji-"Yeah, since Chizuru is my snow bunny. We have two bunnies now, get it?"

Heisuke-"Sheesh, what made you so cheesy?"

Souji-"Why don't you ask your wife Shinpachi, Heisuke?"

Heisuke-"I hate you!"

After a while more, the sun began to set down. Chizuru and Souji had to do something before going home. They said thtir goodbyes and promised to visit them another day. Saito had a tough time letting go of the babies.
The young family walked into Black Forest, trying to have enough time before the night comes. It's been quite a while since she came into these woods, they sure brought a lot of memories. They arrived to their destination, near a small creek situated between the towering trees was a small Sakura plant. Standing inside the dirt was a small dagger engraved "Takeshi".
Chizuru and Souji got on their knees, Souji carried his daughter and stayed silent while Chizuru said what she needed to. "This is the first time I have visited you since you left. I didn't know it would be this hard to do when I came" she laughed a little and bit her lip, holding back tears. "There is so much I would like to say but I don't know where to begin". Chizuru stayed quiet and rocked Yuichi gently, she looked at the grave,"Well, I'm a mother now. Souji gave me the best gifts I could ever have and he's been a wonderful husband".
"I really wish you were hear, so you could see my children. I want you to hear their laugh and cries, so you could love them as much as I do. It still hurts me so much that you are gone. I would find myself thinking that you would come back and your death was just a bad dream. Even if I couldn't remember you before, I still want you to know I don't blame you for anything. I can't find a reason to blame you or hate you, when all you tried to do was protect me despite the other things". Tears started to come out of her eyes as she tried to keep her smile," When I looked into your eyes for the last time, there was so much sadness in them and it tore my soul apart looking into such sorrowful eyes. You held in more sadness than anybody, yet you stayed strong. I wish I could have taken away your pain". Chizuru wiped away her tears, not wanting to let them drop on her son. She kissed the top of his head,"I promise I will protect my children with everything I got. I will live everyday so they can feel happiness. This is my goodbye to you, Takeshi. I am bidding you farewell emotinally, but just know you still hold a special place in my heart and always will. I will come visit this grave of yours for years to come and bring my twins along as well".
Chizuru bowed and kissed a petal before getting up. Souji hugged his wife tightly, knowing how difficult it must have been for her to say all those things. "You were very strong there" he said softly.

"Thank you"

The sun was about to disappear, they needed to head back home now. The twins were getting tired and hungry. As they walked back to their house a soft breeze caressed her skin, while it whispered into her ear...Little One.

The End

Thank you everyone for reading, I really hope you enjoyed it! ❤❤ Comment what you think or any questions you might have I'll gladly answer n.n)//

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