Chapter 6

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"Where in the hell could this fella be?" Takeshi growled in frustration.

He has been walking around for over half an hour already with no sight of this 'fella'. (It shouldn't be that damn hard to find him or she or it), he was strating to lose his patience, nothing was this hard for him to find.

Takeshi is not used to a lot of humans being in one place...being alive though. He had a hard time blending in with them...just kidding, he wasn't an idiot. To him, humans are just ignorant tools, easily manipulated. Anyone would believe whatever he said once he sugar coated his true personality.

Speaking of blending in, he might need a little work on it. While everyone wore warm clothes, he was just in an old black yukata. Since he is an 'almighty' wolf, he was already warm enough. People would stare at him as if he was crazy, in a way he was.

(You like staring at things you find uncommon don't you? Maybe I'll just eat this whole town instead) Takeshi thought as he stared at a young couple, who quickly walked away. Takeshi couldn't understand why humans mated at such a young age, they barely understood the very meaning of true love.

A shop person called out to him,"Excuse me young man! You seem to be cold, would you like to buy some warm clothes? I'll give you a reasonable price", the old man smiled kindly at him.

Takeshi turned to him and growled,"Piss off"


Takeshi scoffed, and cleared his throat,"Ahem ahem, excuse me I'm losing my voice. I meant to say please offer me the cheapest clothing in your shop", the wolf smiled at him, like an honest man would.

The old man thought for a moment, and chuckled happily, his hearing was fading already. He welcomed Takeshi to show him some fine cloth that was also below its original price.

Takeshi eyed the gray cloak, the cloth was obviously a fake that wouldn't last him a week. (I don't even need this. Why the hell am I here anyway) he had every intention to humilate the old man but he needed to keep a low profile, this place seems to be stuffing their noses everywhere.

As he was to turn down the cloak, the old man spoke,"Ah, here comes the Shinsengumi wolves".

(Hmm? Wolves? These people socialize with my kind?) Takeshi turned and only saw a group of humans with turquoise uniforms with white bands. "Wolves you say?" he asked lowly.

"Un, that is what most townfolk refer them to. I don't believe they are bad young men though, they protect us with their blood and bodies from enemies", the old man answered.

"Why do you call them wolves then? Is it bad sarcasm?"

The old man chuckled, only making Takeshi frustrated,"Well, it's just a name. I believe they are called that since supposedly they are violent warriors that only kill for pleasure".

Takeshi stiffed at the sound of that. This old man was offending his kind in his face, but although it is just what other people believed. Even if he was a lone wolf, he didn't like it when humans had their opinion of his race.

Almost losing his calm, he caught a rather unique scent. One he has been looking for, he can't be mistaken this time, even if he's been searching for almost two months. He turned everywhere, sniffing the air and looked directly to the 'Wolves'.

(That fella must be one of them. Now I have more reason to kill him...or her), he started walking to their direction, leaving the old man confused and calling him back.

He couldn't get through the people that suddenly started crowding around the 'Wolves'. He saw two of them separated from the group and went to a stand selling weird food. They seemed to be calling for someone. (Damn, I don't have time for this), Takeshi lost his patience and shoved the people who were in his way, recieving insults and death glares.

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