Chapter 20

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"Are you out of your mind?" Hijikata frowned at Souji. Everyone was gathered by the playful warrior, dragging an injured Osamu next to him and Chizuru trailing behind with their teas.

"What? He can't do anything else but be violent" Souji held his hands up feigning innocence. Kondou and Hijikata exchanged looks, Osamu sat down quietly next to Chizuru, like expecting her to defend him. "He doesn't have any experience Souji, how are we supposed to take him to fight the Choushuu?" Kondou asked, Souji rolled his eyes, still pretty upset he didn't want to take him. They even take Chizuru with them, it doesn't make sense at all.

"You know Green Eyes, I would call you out on volunteering me for pointless crap, but I am not afraid of a little fight" Osamu spoke up in a lazy tone gaining the attention of everyone else.

He couldn't even sit up straight, he had to rest his head on top of Chizuru's, much to everyone's dismay. To add salt to the wound, he wrapped his arms around her. Much like a child would cuddle a teddy bear.

Heisuke leaned over to Shinpachi and mumbled,"Sounds a little stuck up to me, right?".

Osamu picked up on the comment, he scoffed and cocked an eyebrow,"Stuck up huh? I just say the truth, you humans tend to take everything to heart".

Everyone didn't miss the 'human' part. The only person who spoke like that was Kazama,"By any chance, are you aquainted with a demon, Osamu?" Hijikata narrowed his eyes, Chizuru ready to jump and explain everything.

Osamu patted her arm telling her it was alright, he could come up with something or just reveal himself to them...although that outcome won't be a very nice sight.

"To be honest, I am. I have known him for a long time, you could say he is like a brother. But that doesn't indicate I am like him" he explained. From the corner of his eye he could see Souji smirking sarcastically.

"Well that could explain why you'd refer to us as humans...unless you were a demon yourself" Hijikata replied. The other men turned, ready to take out their swords incase of an attack. "We let Chizuru sleep next to a demon!?" Shinpachi and Heisuke yelled.

Osamu looked around irritated at their behavior, not letting him explain further. At this point he would turn into a wolf if it wasn't for Chizuru holding his forearm. "Mina, please calm down. Osamu-san isn't a bad man, just misunderstood" she said looking everyone with tender eyes. Their heart softened, Chizuru can look into the soul of a person just by looking at them.

"Chizuru, the only one you should defend is me" Souji complained

She started blushing as Osamu rolled his eyes. He leaned down next to Chizuru's ear, since she was so short and close. "I think they should know, Little One" he said lowly. Her eyes almost left their sockets, she went infront of him and held his shoulders tightly, shaking her head furiously. Souji heard him, in order to protect Chizuru, he spoke for the wolf.

"Nee, Hijikata seriously he can be useful. We could use him as a shield kind of" he explained, Osamu crossed his arms letting Souji sound like amd idiot. He was not one to protect stupid humans, Chizuru was a different case.

But it would be a change from the other stupid drama, he could have a whole night of taking out his anger and satisfying his beast with good kills...without hurting Chizuru in the process.

As Souji kept ranting on with the commanders, hoping he would just shut up, Osamu covered Chizuru's ears,"I'll do it. You don't have to pay me anything, I'll go and fight to prove what I can do". There was no way Osamu would let Chizuru know he was getting involved in fights, especially in his condition. His bruises were healing at a certain pace and no one seemed to notice.

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