Chapter 23

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There she was, staring with her face lit up. Osamu can tell Chizuru really did love her sweets. It was cute how she would put a finger over her lips while she browsed the candy. He has been avoiding her but was still stubborn, Osamu would still watch over her. He hid behind a vase stand, careful not to touch the plates and call attention to himself.

As Chizuru looked at the sweets, Saito went by her side. Osamu could almost make out what they were saying, a lot of loud people were out today, how annoying. Saito began saying something to her, her facial expressions changed into a depressing one. What could he have told her?

"I would really appreciate it if you don't spy on my bride, mutt"

Osamu elbowed Kazama's iron tummy, only being able to dent it since he was busy watching over Chizuru. "For your information, I'm not spying. You keep forgetting I don't lurk around in the shadows like you do" Osamu snapped.

"Then what is it that you are doing at this moment?"

"I am just watching over her to make sure nothing happens" Osamu gritted his teeth. Kazama sighed, "You dogs and your petty possessiveness". Osamu wouldn't refer it to possessiveness, just that he doesn't want anyone else touching her or else he would have to kill them, simple as that. "You're one to talk. I don't plan a marriage without her consent, hell rat" he seethed.

When he turned around Chizuru was gone, he looked all ways before he could see her heading back to HeadQuarters. Now he doesn't have to worry as much knowing she is in a rather safe place. Kazama raised his brow, "Hmm, I assume she still doesn't want to see you".

"Piss off, it's your fault too"

"You sound so ignorant when the one in blame is you." he growled. Osamu ignored him, now it was time something to entertain himself with. Kazama naturally tagged along, even if Osamu wanted to be alone.

Chizuru and Saito arrived from patrol...with huge bags of sweets. "We-We're back!" Chizuru chimed holding two bags filled with dango.

The men stared with suprise, it's the first time Chizuru has bought so much candy...with what money?

"Hajime-kun, did you splurge on Chizuru?" Sanou chuckled, Souji's eyebrow twitched, only he can spoil Chizuru.

Saito passed around the bags, "I didn't have my money today" he said. The men exchanged looks, "Then who bought the rest? Oh my god it was Kazama trying to win over Chizuru!" Heisuke yelled.

Everyone laughed but he could be right, "My kawaii little Chizuru, who is the poor guy that dared to buy you candy?" Souji asked with a little smile hiding his irritation. Chizuru blushed whe he called her cute, she lowered her head a little, "I don't know" she answered sheepishly.

"Eh? A stranger then? Even better" Souji began his evil smile. Sanou patted Souji's back, even he was getting scared of his friend's new form of jealousy. "Tell us Chizuru, or Hajime" Heisuke said, gracefully picking a dango stick before Shinpachi beat him.

The two sat down, Saito let Chizuru speak first by giving her a nod. "When we were in the sweets stand, a man came up to me and asked what my favorite candy was, I said I couldn't pick since I loved all of it. After, he offered to buy me the whole stand", the men were looking at her as if they had seen a cat giving birth.

Then Saito explained further, "I found it suspicious, a man wearing tattered clothes wouldn't have enough money to buy even half the stand. As Yukimura and I were about to leave, he still went on to buy the candy".

Heisuke put his hand under his chin, "Well it's not the demon then. He would just buy her the candy if Chizuru just looked at it", everyone else agreed.

They let the suspicion go away so they can enjoy the free treats. As Chizuru was taking a bite, she was lifted up and placed on Souji's lap. He took away the dango stick from her,"I'm going to feed you, 'kay?".

Chizuru couldn't hide her embarassment, she still wasn't too sure if they were a couple or not.

"Don't get carried away, Souji. Chizuru looks like a tomato" Sano pointed out, everyone looked their direction. Of course Souji loves putting her on the spot, now more than ever so it can give the rest of the men the hint she was off limits to them. But there could be a certain inhuman duo that won't keep their hands off her, "Where is Black Eyes by the way?".

"Weird of you to ask that, Souji. You always appear to almost kill him" Kondou walked to the group when he smelled the sweets.

Saito offered him dango and he graciously accepted. After being told to stay at home and do nothing, Souji was still kinda giving Kondou the cold shoulder.

"Well he is my replacement Kondou-san. I want the one taking my place at least make you proud when I can't" Souji scoffed as he brushed Chizuru's hair with his fingers. Kondo furrowed his brows worridly, "Don't say those things, Soujiro. You know I will always be proud" he told him.

The situation started getting uncomfortable, especially to Chizuru, being on Souji's lap and his arm surrounding her wasn't the best seat to watch their conversation. Souji held his hand up not wanting to hear 'excuses', "It's fine Kondou-san, I don't like it when I'm pitied anyway. C'mon Chizuru".


Souji took the dango stick from her mouth to put it on the floor. He let her swallow first before lifting her over his shoulder,"E-Eh!? Oki...S-Souji wha-wh!" Chizuru squirmed with her cheeks flushed. Such a way to tease her infront of everyone!

While everyone chuckled (Kondou only looked in awe), Heisuke began yelling at him, "You're being too handsy, too handsy!!". Souji made his way towards the garden, almost thinking in slapping Chizuru's behind but it was too much. He waved at the others, "Don't worry, we'll be in the garden".

"It's almost sundown though" Shinpachi said outloud.

"Then we'll be in my room"

"What!?" Heisuke yelled.

Kazama and Osamu were walking in circles, Osamu did it just to make the oni leave. "You know, instead of doing nothing. You should really look into the man that walked up to Chizuru" Kazama said sighing. The wolf stopped and turned his head and looked at Kazama as if he was crazy, "What? What man?".

"The man that was at the candy stand. Of course you wouldn't pay attention since you were scowling for no reason" Kazama explained. Now that Osamu thought about it, he did catch another odd scent along with Chizuru's, he could almost smell it. (Who the fuck got next to her? Chizuru is mine) he thought baring his fangs already, Kazama had to smack him to get him to concentrate. "Why do I need to look into him?" Osamu asked, rubbing his now sore jaw from growing out his canines. "Because that man is from the Choushuu, the enemy of the people you are living with" he finished off.

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