Chapter 21

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"You can't see her?"

"It's dark , I can't see anything"

"Open your eyes Takeshi"

"I'm afraid"


"What if I killed her?"

"Don't be an idiot. You touched her for god's sake"

"I did...I did!"

"Yes you did. Now open your eyes Takeshi"

His eyes adjusted to the lit up world. Still being surrounded by the sea of fire. He heard whimpering, he looked down and saw a child covering their eyes shaking like a leaf. "Nii-san!Nii-san...!" the child cried for his probably dead sibling.

"Shut your pathetic cries!"

Takeshi opened his mouth, wide enough to swallow her whole. The child put her hands down and showed her painful, teary eyes. For some reason he stopped in his tracks staring at those cinnamon brown eyes.


Staring back at him were his sister's same pleading face...before he killed her. She even cried the same thing, 'nii-san'. Takeshi backed away, starting to lose control again.

"Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. Why? Why did I kill her? My little sister"

He started thrashing around trying to forget the gruesome images. She even said that she still loves him. Now it was his turn to whimper, hitting his head against the hard ground and clawing his ears to stop hearing her small voice.

"It's not my fault. It's not my fault. He did it, it was all him. Not me. Him!"

Takeshi howled, his sound dying out in a cry when fell down. "Are you lonely?" he heard it again, his little Lucy's voice. He forced open his eyelids, looking at a blurry little girl. Was it her? Did she end up being alive?

He felt soft strokes on his ear with sad hummings,"Is ok, no your fault". Someone gave him a soft kiss on his nose, not being able to tell if the wetness was from his nose or the tears left on the childs lips.

"It's...all my fault. All my fault..."

He whimpered, breathing heavily. Instead of seeing red he saw the world clearly. No more rampages were in his heart, just sadness. "No cry. Me sad too see? We cry together" she whispered. The small child hugged him while stroking his head. Takeshi's heart was frozen, no beat was heard.

Look at the damage he has done, his body was paralyzed. It hit him what he has done, there were tears which he couldn't feel. He murdered her family before her very eyes without showing mercy, and yet she's here comforting him. How could such a pure creature exist?

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"

Takeshi was crying like a newborn child, the tears never stopped. The small little girl hugged him to try to take away his pain. "Is ok wolfie, you no bad" she cooed.

The child pulled on his skin to try to get him up, he made no effort to help her. She started to cry again,"Nee, wolfie. Fire, fire!"
He perked his ears, heightening his senses already. The smell of smoke was thicker now, one could barely breathe in that sort of stench. His nose was a lot more sensitive than an Oni's he assumed, but at this rate the child would either burn or choke to death. He can't be responsible of anymore deaths.

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