Chapter 10

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Two weeks have passed since Osamu decided to stay just to stick it to Kazama. The Oni hasn't appeared lately so sleeping outside of Chizuru's room worked for him.

But the rest were really obnoxious, more than ever before. Souji took the opportunity to drag Osamu to the ground every morning to 'remind' him about his chores. Like every morning, Chizuru was there to stop any disputes between them.

They did chores like they normally do, but Chizuru has been feeling a little distance from Osamu. She noticed in the morning Osamu had slept outside, like the past two weeks. She would always think, Does he hate sleeping next to her? Did he get upset that night when he had a nightmare?

Whatever reason it was, it made Chizuru feel down. She wanted him to feel comfortable not the opposite, she failed as a friend.

Her chores were done almost quietly with Osamu glancing at her occasionally, wondering why she had such a glum face. He didn't bother asking her about it because first: it's not his problem or second: she's thinking of kicking him out.

Those two options really contradicted eachother.

Saturday morning, they started breakfast at noon, making it brunch. The men woke up late and trained a little before eating.

The captains were in the courtyard sparring with eachother, Souji supervising this time since Kondou-san laid the rule of 'not exerting himself too early'.

Chizuru carried the pots while Osamu carried the bowls. Both passed by the courtyard heading to the kitchen, Osamu giving an eyeful of their 'attacks'. He let Chizuru go on ahead of him, handing her the bowls, luckily there were only three of them.

Heisuke and Sanousuke were against eachother, dodging kicks, punches and a deadly spear. Sano's weapon made Osamu chuckle to himself, (The weakest of all) he sneered. Maybe he laughed a little loud, the captains turned to look at the guest with irritating faces. "Oi! What's so funny?" Heisuke demanded.

Osamu fanned himself sarcastically and wiped away non existent tears, "Nothing nothing. I was just admiring your weapon, Harada-kun" he smirked.

Sano's arms crossed, certain that remark was intended to mock him,"What about it?" he asked not showing the stranger it bothered him.

Osamu sighed,"Well since you ask. I think that shows how weak you are" he bluntly answered. His dark eyes seemed darker and his lips were a thin line. His whole expression went from mocking to monotone.

The captains eyes narrowed, Souji's ear grew bigger to see what this cocky bastard had to say to Sano.

But being the nice guy he is, Sano shaked it off and smirked, "Please do explain. I'd like to strengthen myself in anyway".

Osamu smirked, the spear was thrown at him and without blinking he grabbed it the first time, slightly suprising the others. He trinkled with it, poking the spear and inspecting it, "First, the knife is far from your body. That only shows your enemy you are afraid to have a close combat with them" he explained. He threw back the spear, by the way Sano looked at it, he knew Osamu had a point.

Tired of his cockiness, Souji stepped in to shut him up. "I don't suppose you'd like to give a demonstration, Black Eyes?" he hummed.

Osamu scoffed and pushed back his bangs, despite being the beginning of winter, he's already hot. He hated wearing a shirt, Hijikata set down the rule that he can't afford a cold being spread. Osamu grumbled the whole day after.

"If you think you're brave enough, I don't mind spending 2 minutes, no, 10 seconds on you, Green Eyes" he snapped.

Souji grinned as well as Osamu, daggers shooting out of their eyes. Each of them waited for the other to make a move. As Osamu decided to get it over with, Chizuru called from the kitchen,"Mina, time to eat!".

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