Chapter 8

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(A/N: Other voice, Takeshi's voice)

Look, they're all dead. Everyone is dead.

Why? Why did they have to die?

You should know why. Because you were the one that killed them.

No I , I didn't...I didn't mean to kill them.

Really? Not even your family?

What? No no, I, I.

Why did you kill them, Takeshi?

Don't say my name! You are not my friend!

I am your friend, and as your friend, I just want to know why you murdered everyone.

I didn't kill anyone (sobbing voice)

You're the only one left Takeshi. Everyone is gone now, so who else could've caused this?


Father? What did Father say?

To kill...his brother.

Speak louder.

To kill his brother!! He wanted more power and told me to take it away from Uncle!

Why did you listen?

So I can be Alpha...

That doesn't make any sense, he wanted more power. He would've never given you the title anyway.

Shut up.

Father never cared about you, so it shouldn't matter if he's dead.

No, you're wrong. He loved me very much.

He made you kill his own brother. Just so he won't dirty his own paws.

It's not my fault. He told me, he told me to.

The worst part was, he blamed you in front of the entire pack.

They misunderstood him, he wouldn't do that.

So you seethed in rage and murdered your own Father.

Shut up.

You had to defend yourself from the others, your true self came out and massacred the whole pack...even the innocent ones.

Shut up, shut up, shut up.

You bared your fangs at your Mother, your brother and even your sister.


Look how she is, your baby sister ripped in half by your monstrous teeth.

No! Not my sister! I didn't kill her, he did!

You killed them, and took it out on the other clans.

They were filthy creatures anyway.

Oh my, is the real Takeshi coming out now?

Those creatures are from hell, they don't need to live. They should die! Die like them!

Louder Takeshi

No, no, this isn't me. Stop it.


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