Chapter 17

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Osamu found his way back to his cave, where he felt calm. It was a mistake from the start to even follow her to find out about the stupid sword. The flashbacks wouldn't haunt him at night and he wouldn't have stirred feelings over Chizuru. Instead, he would be sleeping soundly on his hide bed, without a care of the world.

He grunted when he saw that some of his animal hides were missing. (Oh well, I can just go and collect more later) he thought. Now that he was back home, there would be no more worries or bothers. No more dealing with jealous 'protectors' or having to be forced to clean after a human. Chizuru doesn't count since she's an Oni.

Just his plain old life, going out to hunt, sleep, run and do it all over again. Being alone is his fate, a monster will always be alone. He deserved to be even more alone for hurting Chizuru, not once but three times. He can't remember the first time he hurt her though, it was a distant memory he wishes not to ever remember.

(How is she at this moment? Recovering from the pathetic assault) he growled, Osamu shaked away any thoughts having to do with Chizuru. It's best to stay away, and if she was not an idiot, she won't come looking for him. Although her stubborness is what makes him doubt it.

Souji woke up with Chizuru in his mind. He oddly dreamed about her, but it was either just a nightmare or a warning. It was dark, he could feel her hand on his forehead feeling for a fever. The warmth of her small palm comforted him, if anything could save him, Chizuru would be his cure. He had another of his cough attacks, leaving him exhausted and pale. Souji tried to act as if he was fine, but she cried silently as always. Her whimpering started to fade, as well as her warmth. Something was taking her away, away from him. Souji tried to reach out for her hand but couldn't find it, it was leaving his side.

Stay with me

He called for her but his words wouldn't or couldn't reach her. Her presence was almost gone, Souji wanted more of her tenderness.

Chizuru-chan, wait for me

That's how he woke up, not knowing what to make up of the dream. After that, he felt like checking up on her to see how she was holding up. The weather has gotten colder, Souji saw 'smoke' come out as he breathed, it would defenitely snow tomorrow if not next week.

He knocked lightly on the door just in case she was awake, no answer. He slid open the door slowly, careful not to wake her up. Souji saw an empty futon in the room, "Chizuru-chan?", her kodachi was also gone. She always had it next to her since Saito had told her they might not be there to protect her one day.

He looked around the empty room with hope she was hiding from him. "C'mon, you know I'll win at hide and seek" he smirked. Souji opened the closets and still nothing, his calm demeanor was turning into panic mode. (Where the hell did she go!?) he grunted, storming out of the room.
Souji was going to wake the other men but it is best not to. He rather find Chizuru himself to punish her on his own for sneaking out. He got his sowrd and headed out, if any of the men found out the problem could get out of hand. If her sneaking out had anything to do with Osamu, he won't give the others the opportunity to slash him open.

Kazama let Chizuru down when he landed, she had no idea Oni's could fly, or as Kazama would say 'teleport'. She looked around like a small child in a toy store during Christmas time, Osamu was no where around. Chizuru was displeased and was about to confront Kazama about tricking her, until he grabbed her shoulders and spun her around to see a big cave. " Osamu-san there?" she timidly asked. Kazama held the urge to roll his eyes, it was obvious a wolf would be inside.

She walked slowly to the entrance, half expecting a black wolf to jump right at her. As she was inches away from stepping in, she heard a snarling from the other side, knowing it was him.

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