Chapter 19

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"What the hell are you doing bastard?" Osamu snarled at Souji, who was still holding Chizuru's face. Osamu had gone looking for Chizuru so they can go to sleep, to find Souji all over her. He grabbed Chizuru and pulled her towards him,"So this is how you like spending your time? Taking advantage of an innocent woman?" he growled, unaware of his tightening grip on Chizuru.

Souji narrowed his eyes,"Let her go, you're hurting her baka", Chizuru yelped when he squeezed her arm. Souji walked towards him to get Chizuru back, but Osamu shoved him to the ground. "You shouldn't be upset, Chizuru also wanted me to kiss her" he smirked. Osamu flinched at his words and looked at Chizuru, her face said it all. He growled lower, his inner self was ready to come out.

"She is mine! Don't you ever touch what's mine!"

His canines were growing, Souji taking notice

"I'll rip your throat out"

He was starting to bruise Chizuru's arm, his claws started coming out. She noticed once she saw blood dripping out of her arm,"Osamu-san?" she gasped.

"You dare to anger me"

His ears and tail were in full view, Souji widened his eyes in shock. His legs started to tranform in the most painful way possible,"Chizuru get away from him!" he yelled at her, ready to take out his sword.


He howled to the moon, ready to complete his tranformation. Souji grabbed Chizuru and hid her behind him, ready to kill Osamu. Osamu growled and grunted taking in the pain of his wolf form, Souji was about to execute him when Chizuru jumped infront of him. "Chizuru, don't get in the way!" he exclaimed. After Osamu turned into his wolf, like last night, Chizuru went and wrapped her arms around him. "Wait Okita-san! Don't kill him, it's not his fault. He will calm down I promise!" she pleaded him.

Souji had no time for this and tried to release her hold from him, she would not budge at all,"Let me kill him before the others do, Chizuru" he warned. Chizuru looked at him with worry eyes, Osamu growled while saliva dripped from his mouth. He shaked his head to get her off.

"Let me go!"

Then she started to comb his fur softly while hugging him tight,"It's ok Osamu-san. Please calm down" she whispered into his fur. He glared at Chizuru then at Souji, he was still holding his sword tightly. He smelled Chizuru's scent, it calmed him down by a dozen times. His breathing were no longer huffs, he wasn't baring his fangs at anyone. Chizuru kept combing his fur and nuzzling his neck,"Don't worry, it's not your fault" she whispered tenderly. Osamu calmed down and laid flat on the floor , his head on her lap. Souji watched in shock and disgust how he transformed back into his human form, only with much more bruises than before. He was knocked out and relaxed, Chizuru was caressing his forehead. Souji felt a stab in his heart for some reason, now he was even more pissed he didn't get to kill him. He wanted to be angry at Chizuru for getting in theway but he well knows he can't make a scratch on her.

The scratch he made on her arm, made Souji have a sudden realization. "He was the one that attacked you, wasn't he?" he frowned, Chizuru looked at him then to Osamu and couldn't lie to his face. Souji grunted and narrowed his eyes, he grabbed Osamu by the arm and started to drag him to the other captains. Chizuru stumbled to stop him, "No Okita-san, let me explain!" she pulled Osamu's leg. Souji dragged him to the dirt and towards the courtyard,"I knew there was something wrong with him, I should've killed him sooner". Chizuru ran after him and dropped ontop of Osamu to hug his body, in a protective way,"It wasn't his fault, those eyes do not belong to Osamu-san. He can't control it".

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