Chapter 9

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On top of the boulders, sat the blonde haired Oni leader, Kazama Chikage. Osamu hadn't seen this man in a very long time, what a lovely surprise.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Osamu smiled. Kazama disappeared and reappeared next to him in an instant, nudging his head full of black hair, "Some friend you are, Takeshi. Why the hell didn't you keep in touch with me? I got awfully lonely" he chuckled. Osamu head locked Kazama and tried to knock him down, Kazama was smart enough to trip the wolf in one move. The old friends started wreslting in the ground, in human form of course.

After they finished their friendly little match, Osamu punched Kazama's chest,"I had my own things to attend to Oni" he sneered. Kazama looked around the place and smirked, "It's rather odd to find you here. Care to explain why you are in my woman's enviornment hmm?". Osamu tilted his head in confusion, did he mean Chizuru? As far as he knew, she was the only woman in the headquarters. "Your woman? What do you mean?" he asked him.

Kazama felt irritated for some odd reason, he grunted and closed in on Osamu. He grabbed his shirt and tugged it,"Don't act stupid you moron. The female Oni is my woman, she is to be my future bride. Did you forget?" he snarled. The wolf was still bewildered, but he had no idea Chizuru could be a female demon. Sure her name sounded familiar but, it still does not come together.

Kazama noticed his unsureness and yanked him harder, "Yukimura Chizuru, Takeshi. The female Oni from the Yukimura clan" he said. Hearing her name complete woke up his 'memory box'.


There were screams and cries coming from afar, being joined by an ocean of fire. The smell of burning wood filled the nostrils of a rampanging wolf.

"Die die die die die DIE!!"

He clutched his jaws on the throat of a young grey wolf, it whimpered trying to beg for mercy but Takeshi wouldn't give him the chance. With both his paws he slammed down the other wolf and ripped his pipes out.

"More blood, more death"

With blood dripping from his mouth he followed the burning wood to where it started. He was still hungry for a good kill, what would be better than to get his fangs on a grown Oni?

As he arrived to the tragic scene of fleeing families and burning homes, he went on the hunt for a perfect meal. He found a good one, he looked a little over six feet tall and seeing he had a family with him, he was a well grown Oni. His main target was the grown man, but after finishing him off he could eat the little twins and wife.

He charged at them, jumping up with full force to tackle him down, pushing away his family.

"I got you, hellish monster"

The man had wide eyes and trembled with fear, but he wasn't looking at the wolf, his eyes followed the small twins by their screaming mother's side. "Run, hurry or you'll get hurt as well" the Oni begged. Takeshi was disgusted by the sight of this, risking his life for his family.

"There is no such thing as family"

Takeshi clawed his chest until he got inside to take out his heart easily. The heart has more blood flowing, more blood is more protein for Takeshi. The man endured the pain of razors cutting him open, but his family stayed in the same spot. "Dada!" one twin cried, running towards her father but one growl out of the wolf was enough to make her stay back.

The father croaked once more before having his heart eaten out,"P-Please.. run". Takeshi smirked and dug his beating heart out infront of his children. The children watched in horror how their beloved father was murdered by a black beast. The mother pulled both her children with her before Takeshi turned around. This only made him angrier.

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