Chapter 5

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"Nee, where could Chizuru be!?" Heisuke cried out while pulling his hair. He was literally having a panic attack, pulling his brown hair, grinding his teeth, pupils dialated to the point where his eyes would almost pop out of his sockets. Sano chuckled at his friend's uneasiness, he was easy to panic when it cane to Chizuru. "I'm sure she's fine Heisuke, Chizuru is a smart girl" he smiled.

"You don't know that, you ain't a magician" Heisuke pouted.

Sanou-"So you're saying she isn't a smart girl? That's not very nice Heisuke..."

Heisuke(jumps)-"Eh!? N-No I didn't mean it like that!! I meant to say that you don't know if she's fine or not"

Sano(raises brow)-"I don't know about you but I like to think Chizuru is a fine young lady"

Heisuke(blushes)-"Wh-What!? How did it come to that!?"

Sanou-"You're the one saying it"

Heisuke-"You're making this out of proportion!!"

Sanou(chuckles)-"Calm down, I'm joking"

Heisuke-"Don't joke around when Chizuru is missing!!!"

Sano exhaled, there is no point in trying to calm him down. Once he has something on his mind, there was no way to change it...unless Hijikata was involved. Sano looked left and right into the alleys, she could be hidden anywhere by now. It has been over an hour after the suprise attack happened. Who knew the Choushuu would have pulled such a cowardly act. Feigning surrender then trying to kill them from behind, disgraceful.

Sano heard a girls' voice calling them,"Heisuke-kun...Harada-san". Heisuke and Sano looked at eachother, wondering if they both heard it,"You heard that Sano?"


They kept listening to see if they'd hear it again. It was silent for a moment, then again,"Heisuke-kun...Harada-san!". The voice was louder now, both men looked straight ahead. Chizuru was limping towards them with a huge smile on her face. As she got closer, Heisuke and Sano noticed smeared blood on her yukata, her arms and face. "Chizuru?" they both said surpised, Heisuke walked closer to her and grabbed her hand to inspect her arm. "Oh my God, what happened!?" he shrieked, Chizuru smiled shyly not knowing how to explain.

"Eheheh,well you see...funny story" she laughed nervously.

Sano saw her swollen ankle, she must've hurt it while running away. Without asking any questions, he picked her up bridal style,"Ha-Harada-san!? It's ok, I can walk myself!" Chizuru cried, blushing. Sano smirked at her embarrassment, but no way he was going to let her walk more, "You can't walk Chizuru, I have no idea what happened to you but once we get home you'll explain". Without saying anymore, the trio walked back to Headquarters.

They arrived with the others gathered in the meeting room, waiting for the girl to be found. When Sanousuke stepped inside carrying an injured Chizuru, the whole room got up in concern. She smiled in relief, being glad everyone was all right.

Chizuru nodded at Sano to put her down, even if he hesitated a bit. She extended her right leg to avoid sitting on her twisted ankle. She looked up at everyone,"I'm glad you are all ok, I was so worried!". The men sat down again, each eyeing her swollen ankle,"You should've worried more about yourself Yukimura-kun. What happened to you?" Kondou-san asked. She was still reluctant to say, she was more interested in why the Choushuu attacked them after backing down.

Chizuru started explaining,"Saito-san took me to the forest so I wouldn't be hurt...". Heisuke shot up with his face showing anger, and turned to Saito,"Why the hell would you take her there Hajime!?".

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