Chapter 28

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Spring was once again here. The Sakura trees blooming and the animals running around to shed their coats. The war has calmed down dramatically and things were looking to be pretty good.

Chizuru sat under the tree overlooking the wide river. She touched the water to feel its newfound warmth. A small smile appeared on her face, it would feel nice to take a dip in the water.

She looked around to make sure she was alone, the river was not very isolated but not very close to town, some passerbys can see her waddling around in the water.

Chizuru took off her sandals and socks and touched the surface of the water. It felt nice to the touch, and so she emerged more, lifting her yukata above her ankles. The small fishes came and nibbled on her toes, tickling her, "Haha stop that, I'll get my clothes wet if I laugh too much". She wiggled her feet, the fishes sprawled around.

Chizuru stepped in further to the river, she took big steps enjoying the small splashes her feet made. Out of pure curiosity, she kicked the water. Then again and again, giggling to herself and enjoying the first day of spring.

"You seem like having fun"

Chizuru jumped when she saw Souji leaning against the tree. She turned bright red and looked down to the water, "I was just...testing the water. I mean I-I dropped a pretty flower".

As if on queue, thousands of petals flowed beside her feet, Souji and her stared at it awkwardly before he burst out laughing.

"You're so cute y'know" he smirked as he took a seat on the edge of the river.

Chizuru stared at her feet for a few moment to let her blushed face go away, "It's the most beautiful spring weather in ever. It felt nice to feel the lukewarm water" she replied. Souji gave her a side smile without responding, never looking better than ever.

His tuberculosis miraculously faded away, the doctors couldn't even explain how that was possible. They say it must have been a drive or change of enviornment.

Souji had an idea of what his cure was, and the evidence was standing infront of him.

Chizuru kept staring at the fish kissing her toes, she was being quite entertained. He held out his hand for her to take it, "Come sit with me, I miss you". She tilted her head sideways, "I'm right here, Souji" she giggled after walking towards him.

He grabbed her and placed her on his lap nuzzling his nose in her neck,"Mmmm, my Chizuru-chan smells good". She tucked her neck and blushed, which highly amused Souji but still found precious, "I still don't get how you are still able to blush innocently" he sneered.

Chizuru hid her cheeks with her hands in embarrassment knowing what he meant, Souji took them away to steal a kiss. She giggled, Souji kissed her eye, then her nose and a few on her neck.

Chizuru jumped,"Oh!". He looked up with his brow raised,"Do you still get that excited Chizuru?".

"No, I just felt a kick"

Souji placed his hand on her swollen belly, he felt a small kick on her side making him beam, "I want a girl".

"Is there a specific reason?"

Souji draped his arms over her and smooched on her cheek, "Because if we have a boy, I'll be jealous that another man has your attention". Chizuru giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, after exchanging a few loving kisses they stared down where the river was headed.

It has been 3 years since Takeshi was with them. Chizuru still carries the memory of him in her heart, he won't be forgotten by her ever or by Souji. The men might still encounter random thoughts about him rarely but they don't bring him up at all.
After his death, Chizuru was almost headed the same way. She was greatly affected by his absence, it even made Souji worry and feel inmensly jealous. Chizuru just stayed in Souji's room staring at the sky through the open door while she lay on the futon.

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