Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Kimberley forced down the last of her dinner even though her appetite had pretty much disappeared. She kept thinking about Cheryl’s visit the day before, despite her best efforts not to. Yesterday was the first time she’d cried in weeks; the second she’d closed the door in Cheryl’s face she broke down. At first it had felt good to finally vent her anger at Cheryl, but it didn’t take long for Kimberley to get upset about it. It had completely thrown her when Cheryl had turned up, and even more so when she’d said she loved her. She’d seen the anguish in Cheryl’s eyes as she’d told her to leave, and now she was all the more confused by it all. She never thought she’d be able to turn Cheryl away, she was still madly in love with her. But she couldn’t let her just walk all over her again. But Cheryl hadn’t tried contacting her since, so maybe she’d already given up. That last thought brought more tears to Kimberley's eyes, which she hastily wiped away.

She sighed when she heard the doorbell ring, and hauled herself up from the table to answer it.

“You’re not dragging me to the pub again.” Kimberley said when she saw the girls standing in the doorway.

“Yeah, we figured that might be the case, so we’ve brought the booze to you!” Sarah grinned back as she waved a bottle of wine in Kimberley’s face before barging past her.

Kimberley stepped back to allow them upstairs, knowing it would be far more effort to argue with them.

“Good day?” Nadine asked as they sat down in the living room with their glasses of wine.

“Fine.” Kimberley responded in her normal emotionless voice. She wondered why the girls even bothered asking her anything these days when she always gave the same response.

“Crap,” Nicola said as her phone started ringing, “I have to take this, it’s work, sorry.” She stood up and left the flat as she answered her phone.

Kimberley stared at her wine glass while an awkward silence settled in the room. She couldn’t understand why they’d decided to come around when they surely knew what it would be like – do they like just sitting in silence?

The next fifteen minutes were filled with small talk and more silences. Kimberley continued to give one word answers whenever she was asked something, other than that she didn’t contribute.

“Sorry about that,” Nicola said as she re-entered the flat. “What did I miss?”

“Um...not much!” Sarah replied honestly. “It’s a really nice evening, how about we go sit in the garden? Might even catch the sunset.”

“Great idea!” Nadine said as they stood up and opened the door, waiting for Kimberley to agree.

Kimberley rolled her eyes as she got up and walked down the stairs ahead of the others. She opened the door to the studio and started walking through until she realised it was suddenly very quiet. She looked behind her to see that the others had disappeared. She frowned as she heard the front door close and was about to turn back when she heard music coming from the garden. Her stomach lurched when she realised what it was; it was hers and Cheryl’s song, the very thing that had first brought them together all those months ago.

She found herself moving towards the back door which opened out onto the garden. She felt her heart pounding in her chest as she stepped outside. She gasped when she saw hundreds of candles placed all over the place, lighting up the patio area. She looked up and saw Cheryl standing in front of the table, where a CD player had been placed, the sun setting behind her. Kimberley took in the sight in front of her as the music continued to play. Cheryl was dressed simply, in a casual summery dress, her hair loose on her shoulders. She walked towards Kimberley slowly, feeling apprehensive of what Kimberley’s reaction might be.

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