Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Time seemed to pass very quickly over the next three or four weeks for Cheryl and Kimberley, mainly because they’d both had a lot of work commitments on. Cheryl tried to free up as much of her time as possible to be with Kimberley, but this didn’t help very much as Kimberley was very busy working with artists, and Cheryl knew Kimberley needed to make the most of the work she was getting now in order to really make a name for herself. But it made it very difficult to be able to spend much quality time with each other, and when they did, one of them, or both, were always tired.

Kimberley got up to her flat after a long day in the studio and had started to heat some food up in the microwave for a very late dinner when Cheryl burst through the door and slammed it shut behind her.

“Is everything alright?” Kimberley asked as she walked out of the kitchen to see Cheryl throwing her bag on the floor.

“Had a fcuking crap day.” Cheryl huffed, scowling at nothing in particular.

“Aww babe, do you want something to eat?” Kimberley went to give her a kiss, which Cheryl barely returned, her bad mood getting the better of her.

“No, I ate.” Cheryl muttered. “Thanks though,” she quickly added after realising how rude she was being.

“Ok, well tell me about your day while I eat. And here, have a drink.” Kimberley put her food on the kitchen table and passed Cheryl a glass of wine as she sat down opposite her. Cheryl downed a few gulps before relaying her day to Kimberley.

“Ugh, well I went to the record label today and they’re really trying to push me to go to America to promote the album. They just aren’t taking me seriously when I tell them I’m not interested. I mean sure, it would be great, but when it involves being away from home for so long I just can’t bear the thought of it. And then that Drew Bailey turned up again – I swear he knows my schedule or something, and he was desperately trying to get me to agree to the collaboration. There are only so many ways you can say ‘no’! So then he made me late for my meeting with Ashley and the lawyers, which was a story of its own. I thought this divorce was actually turning out to be relatively simple until he had to go and throw a spanner in the works. He doesn’t want me to keep the house. I don’t know why he’s changed his mind – he didn’t seem to care before.”

“Oh. Wow, I see what you mean...not a great day then.” Kimberley put her plate to one side and took hold of Cheryl’s hand. “Listen, I think you should at least consider going to America.”

“What? No!” Cheryl looked at Kimberley as though she was mad.

“Cheryl, you can’t not do these things because of me. I don’t want to hold you back.” Kimberley spoke softly.

“Well it’s great that you’re happy for me to be gone for so long, but I’m not!” Cheryl snapped as she pulled her hand away.

“Cheryl! I didn’t mean it like that.” Kimberley frowned, seeing Cheryl’s mood going from bad to worse. Thinking she should move the subject on from America she spoke again. “Why don’t you ask your label to get the message across to Drew that you’re not interested in working with him?”

“I have.” Cheryl scowled at the table. “Fat lot of use they are at helping.” She finished her drink and poured another one.

Kimberley sighed and put her plate next to the sink, wondering how on earth she was going to wait for Cheryl’s mood to improve. Just as she was trying to think of what to say next, the doorbell rang.

“Sorry, I’ll be back in a minute,” Kimberley said before opening the door and descending the stairs. She got to the main front door and opened it, staring in disbelief when she saw Justin standing outside.

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